
Timestamp standard input

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

TS (timestamp standard input)


This utility, a C reimplementation of the ts command from the moreutils package, is designed to add a timestamp to the beginning of each line of input, enhancing the readability and utility of log files or any streamed output. It can also convert existing timestamps in the input to either absolute or relative times, supporting a variety of common timestamp formats.

Please note that this repository does not offer pre-built binaries, requiring users to build from source.


The primary motivation behind reimplementing the ts utility was to eliminate the dependency on Perl and its associated packages. This decision was driven by the goal of simplifying deployment, especially in containerised or constrained environments where minimising the footprint is essential.

While this version eliminates the dependency on Perl and its associated packages, it requires the PCRE library for regular expression support, both at build and runtime.


ts [-r] [-i | -s] [-m] [-p <precision>] [format]

By default, ts adds a timestamp to each line using the format %b %d %H:%M:%S. Users can specify a custom format, which adheres to the conventions used by strftime(3), with extensions for microsecond resolution using the specifiers %.S, %.s, or %.T.

  • Relative Time Conversion (-r): When used, ts converts existing timestamps within the input into relative times (e.g., "15m5s ago"), automatically detecting and supporting many common timestamp formats. If a custom output format is also specified with -r, ts will use it for the time conversion.

  • Incremental Timestamps: The -i and -s flags alter the utility's behaviour to report timestamps incrementally:

    • -i: Each timestamp represents the time elapsed since the last timestamp.
    • -s: Timestamps represent the time elapsed since the start of the ts command execution.

    The default format for incremental timestamps is %H:%M:%S.

  • Monotonic Clock (-m): Opting for this flag makes ts use the system's monotonic clock, ensuring that the timestamps are not affected by changes in the system clock.

  • Precision (-p): This version of ts introduces the -p option as an extension to the moreutils version of ts, providing users with the ability to specify the precision of time units in the output when using the -r flag for relative time differences. Valid precision levels are 1 to 4 inclusive.

    The default precision level is 2.

The TZ environment variable is respected, influencing the timezone used for timestamps when not explicitly included in the timestamp's format.


# Basic timestamping.
$ echo "Log entry" | ts
Feb 05 21:00:42 Log entry

# Custom format.
$ echo "Another log entry" | ts "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
2024-02-05 21:00:52 Another log entry

# Relative times.
$ cat log.txt | ts -r
27d4h ago host syslogd[441]: Statistics

# Incremental timestamps since last event.
$ echo -e "foo\nbar\nbaz" | while IFS= read -r line; do echo "$line"; sleep 2; done | ts -i
00:00:00 foo
00:00:02 bar
00:00:02 baz

# Incremental timestamps since start.
$ echo -e "foo\nbar\nbaz" | while IFS= read -r line; do echo "$line"; sleep 2; done | ts -s
00:00:00 foo
00:00:02 bar
00:00:04 baz

# Custom format using the monotonic clock.
$ echo "Process started" | ts -m '%FT%.T'
2024-02-05T21:13:36.848360 Process started

# High precision timestamping.

$ echo "High precision event" | ts "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%.S"
2024-02-05 22:50:40.383986 High precision event

$ echo "High precision event" | ts "%F %.T"
2024-02-05 22:50:54.140320 High precision event

$ echo "High precision event" | ts -m "%.s"
1707173461.672750 High precision event

$ echo -e "foo\nbar\nbaz" | while IFS= read -r line; do echo "$line"; sleep 2; done | ts -m -s %.s
0.130000 foo
2.172200 bar
4.608700 baz

Understanding Relative Timestamps

The -r flag transforms absolute timestamps into relative terms, simplifying the comprehension of when events occurred. This transformation includes recognising timestamps through pattern matching, parsing them into component units, and approximating the time difference in a user-friendly format. The process emphasises focusing on non-zero units, managing rollovers, and rounding where applicable, ensuring the output is precise yet easily understandable.

Pattern Matching and Parsing

When ts encounters a timestamp in the input, it matches it against predefined patterns. A successful match leads to the decomposition of the timestamp into its constituent units: years, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. This breakdown is crucial for calculating the relative time difference. Notably absent is the month unit, omitted due to its variable length complicating uniform calculations. This decision streamlines approximation, focusing on fixed-length units for consistency and simplicity in conveying time spans.

Approximation: Focusing on Non-Zero Units

The approximation step calculates the time difference between the current moment and the parsed timestamp, adjusting this difference to highlight the most significant, relevant units:

  • Focusing on Non-Zero Units: Initially, ts identifies units with non-zero values, prioritising them to ensure the approximation highlights actual time differences rather than zero-valued units. This focus is essential for clarity.

  • Rollovers: Rollover handling adjusts time units exceeding their conventional maximum (e.g., 60 minutes) to the next higher unit (e.g., converting 70 minutes to 1 hour and 10 minutes), maintaining consistency with standard time measurement practices.

  • Rounding Up: For time units halfway or more towards their maximum, ts will round up to simplify the representation, such as approximating 1 hour and 30 minutes to "2 hours ago." This rounding provides a simplified yet meaningful estimate of elapsed time, particularly when minute accuracy is less important than conveying a general sense of duration.

Approximation: User Defined Precision

Precision ranges from 1 to 4, and determines the detail level in the timestamp approximation, affecting the output's granularity and specificity. The default precision level is 2.

Precision Levels Defined:

  • Low Precision (1): Best for overviews or when event occurrence is more important than exact timing. This level simplifies the timestamp to the single most significant non-zero unit.

  • Medium Precision (2, 3): Balances detail and readability, suited for operational logs or summarising activities. Precision 2 focuses on the two most significant non-zero units, while precision 3 allows for an additional layer of detail.

  • High Precision (4): Ideal for detailed logging or tracking, necessary for forensic analysis or debugging. Retains all units up to the four most significant non-zero units, providing a detailed view without approximation.

Combining Relative timestamps with a Custom Format

The -r flag used with a custom format enables precise customisation of relative timestamp presentation according to strftime formatting rules. For example, displaying a log entry as "Occurred on %Y-%m-%d at %H:%M" instead of "3 hours and 45 minutes ago", applying the -r flag with the desired custom format achieves this structured presentation while preserving the relative nature of the timing.

Monotonic clock

The moreutils ts implementation uses a clever approach to combine the stability of the monotonic clock with the relevance of real-world timestamps. The monotonic clock (CLOCK_MONOTONIC) is used for measuring time intervals. It is not affected by system time changes (like NTP adjustments or DST shifts), making it ideal for timing where consistency is key. However, the monotonic clock does not represent real-world time; it typically measures time since system boot.

To output meaningful timestamps while using the monotonic clock, the program calculates a 'monodelta' at startup. This is the difference between the current real-world time (CLOCK_REALTIME) and the current monotonic time. By adding this delta to the monotonic timestamps, we adjust them to align with the real-world time. This way, the timestamps output by the program represent the actual time of day, even though the timing is done using the monotonic clock.

Building & Installation

Before compiling the ts utility, you must have the PCRE development library installed on your system. The development library is commonly named pcre2-devel, libpcre2-dev, or a similar variant, depending on your operating system and distribution.

git clone https://github.com/frobware/ts
cd ts
make INSTALL_BINDIR=$HOME/.local/bin install

NixOS/Nix Support

This utility can be easily integrated into NixOS configurations or consumed in Nix environments using Nix Flakes. Below is an example of how to include the ts utility in your NixOS system or project.

  description = "Example Nix flake for integrating the `ts` utility into a NixOS configuration.";

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable";
    ts-flake.url = "https://github.com/frobware/ts";

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, ts-flake, ... }@inputs:
    pkgsWithOverlay = system: import nixpkgs {
      inherit system;
      overlays = [ ts-flake.overlays.default ];

    buildNixOS = { system, modules }: let
      pkgs = pkgsWithOverlay system;
    in nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
      inherit system modules pkgs;
    nixosConfigurations.exampleHost = buildNixOS {
      system = "aarch64-linux";
      modules = [
        ({ pkgs, ... }: {
          environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.ts ];


The entire ts project, including both the source code now in C and the manpage documentation, is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2). This unified licensing approach ensures full compliance with the original moreutils package's licensing terms, from which the manpage documentation is verbatim copied, and aligns the reimplemented ts utility under the same open-source license.