
Posts the current xkcd comic to a slack channel upon request. http://xkcd.com

Primary LanguageJavaScript


So this is a lazy, but also to some extent over engineered slack integration for posting the latest XKCD comic strips.

Check out xkcd and other work from the creator Randall Munroe at xkcd.com

This integration works very well with the Feed trigger at ifttt. Look below to find the gory details for how to set it up.

How it is supposed to work

I made this based on the following solution:

xckd atom feed (http://xkcd.com/atom.xml) -> IFTTT trigger posts to a webhook in this application (HTTP POST http://app-url/there-is-a-new-xkcd) -> application posts to slack

I decided to use the IFTTT trigger instead of parsing the atom feed myself for convenience.

As this application only relies on being notified on a webhook when to post to slack, it can easily integrate with a hubot or other sources, not limited to IFTTT.

Roll it

Requires internet and node.js

  1. git clone
  2. npm install
  3. set environment variables
    • SLACK_CHANNEL_URL (required) obtain a incoming webhook url to your slack team.
    • SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME (default: #comics)
    • SLACK_CHANNEL_USERNAME (default: Randall Munroe)
  4. Run it by any of the following means: node . / nodemon . / npm run start

Post to slack

To test it / force a run:

curl -XPOST http://app-url/there-is-a-new-xkcd