Test project to reproduce a problem in scala-ide that prevents java-source from being compiled correctly. This project does not contain any scala source, but one module is using the maven-scala-plugin and should be set up as a scala project in scala-ide. With m2e, scala-ide and m2eclipse-scala this will be detected and set up automatically. (Remember to check settings -> maven -> Hide folders of physically nested modules) Import into Eclipse using m2e (import -> existing maven project). Using release/scala-ide-2.0.x: 1. Do a clean build and check that target contains A, B, C and Problem.class 2. Modify any of A, B or C.java and see that Problem.class disappears from target folder. Using issue/get-java-to-follow-sbt-1000388: 1. Do a clean build and check that target contains A, B, C and Problem.class 2. Modify any of B or C.java and see that Problem.class is still in the output folder. 3. Modify A.java and see that Problem.class disappears from target folder. No matter which source gets modified, Problem.java is always requested recompiled even though it does not depend on any of the other sources. Is this the expected behaviour? [AnalysisCompile] Compiling: /Users/frode/dev/simple/scala-java/src/main/java/test/Problem.java [AnalysisCompile] Compilation was successful