Scylla Talk - Some hands on stuff...

This project has a few hands on exercises to learn how to use Scylla as a programmer. You can pick between writing your code in Go, Java or Python. Should you by any chance want to use another language you are welcome to do so but any help you might need is then restricted to Scylla and CQL.


Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to modify and extend one or several of the provided programs with the following.

  1. Have the program accept an argument in the form of a UUID and print just this row.
  2. Have the program accept an argument in the form of a UUID, an integer denoting the column and a value to update the object that this UUID corresponds to and with this new value.
  3. Add another table called comments with three columns: id, ts and comment. This table should store comments made by certain user (id) at a given time (ts).
  4. Create crud operation to insert a comment for a user.
  5. Implement a way to list the comments for just one given user.

Setup Scylla

  1. Install Scylla Tools and put the scylla-tools-java/bin in your $PATH
  2. Install Docker using your package manager of choice
  3. Execute docker run --name some-scylla -d scylladb/scylla to start Scylla
  4. Find the IP ( from now on) number of the container like this: docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' some-scylla
  5. Initialize the database:
cqlsh -f schema/001-init_schema.cql <HOST>
cqlsh -f ../schema/002-add_some_users.cql <HOST>

Setup for Go

  1. Install Go using your package manager of choice
  2. Go to the directory scylla-talk-go
  3. Execute go build to produce the program executable
  4. Run the program like this:
./scylla-talk-go -host <HOST>

Setup for Java

  1. Install Maven using your package manager of choice
  2. Go to the directory scylla-talk-java
  3. Execute mvn package to produce the program executable
  4. Run the program like this:
java -jar target/scylla-talk-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar <HOST>

Setup for Python

  1. Install Python using your package manager of choice
  2. Go to the directory scylla-talk-python
  3. Install the cassandra driver sudo pip install cassandra-driver or without sudo pip install --user cassandra-driver
  4. Run the program like this:
python <HOST>