
Distribute surveys in fullscreen

Primary LanguageRuby

Decidim Better Surveys

Decidim Surveys are greats, and we need some new features. This modules aims to test two new features in Decidim Surveys:

  1. Fullscreen As an administrator, I can share a different URL for the surveys, allowing it to remove clutter. When the form does not need user registration, we completly remove navigation, and have the form in plain screen. Only a go back button will allow user to go back to an URL defined by the administrator.

  2. Form Statistics We add a HomePage component for statistics of submission for some forms. We can then define:

  • A title for the statistic block
  • A CSV list of survey's ID to keep counting.

The statistics will also appear sistematically on fullscreen forms.

Why it is not on Metadecidim?

We prefer to test functionality, proving their are valuable before adding "stuff" in the decidim core. This module might result on a MetaDecidim proposal after 6months/1year of trial/error.

Install the module

Add the gem to your Gemfile

gem "decidim-better_surveys"

Run bundle

bundle install

Run locally

To run this module locally, we use Docker-compose:

docker-compose up

This will run a decidim-better_surveys container, which sleeps and does nothing.

After your containers are mounted, you can seed the database:

  docker-compose exec -it decidim-better_surveys bin/rails db:seed

Then, you can start the server

  docker-compose exec -it decidim-better_surveys bin/rails s -b

You can then open a bash session and edit the initializer, as described in the "How to add a custom user field" section.

  docker-compose exec -it decidim-better_surveys bash

Once something change in your ./lib, restart your server:

  docker-compose exec -it decidim-better_surveys bin/rails restart

While developing locally, you have two environment variables that can help you:

  • ROOT: the root of the application using the module
  • MODULE_ROOT: the place where your gem code is.

Usefull commands

Command Description
docker-compose exec -it decidim-better_surveys bundle exec rails db:seed Seed the database (run on localhost:3000)
docker-compose exec -it decidim-better_surveys bin/webpack-dev-server Compile assets and watch for changes
docker-compose exec -it decidim-better_surveys bin/rails s -b Run the Rails server in development
docker-compose exec -it decidim-better_surveys bundle exec rspec /home/decidim/module/spec Run tests for the module
docker-compose exec -it decidim-better_surveys bundle exec rubocop -a /home/decidim/module Correct lint errors with RuboCop
docker-compose exec -it decidim-better_surveys bash Navigate your container in bash