
Collection of CSSes mainly used with Stylus (extension for Chromium browser)

Primary LanguageCSS


Here I introduce some my stylesheets that I always use for browsing the Internet. I always prefer to using them, and stick to how specific fonts should be applied, or how they look in a certain websites. If your thought are as alike as mine, why don't you start using them?

Btw, I recommend you to use Stylus for a Userstyles manager, which is the browser extension available for both Firefox and Chromium Browser.

Config Examples for destroy_meiryo.css

Let me show the best font settings for the stylesheets in this repository to be applied properly in your browser. These screenshots were taken in Firefox, but other browsers such as Edge or Chrome should have a similar configuration as well.

Latin characters

This font family setting works well for websites especially in English. Note that Roboto is the dominant font, and then other fonts come after the font.

Japanese chars

This font family setting works well for websites especially in Japanese. Be sure that Roboto comes first as a sans-serif font, and then others come later.