
JavaPayload is a collection of pure Java payloads to be used for post-exploitation from pure Java exploits or from common misconfigurations (like not password protected Tomcat manager or debugger port).

Primary LanguageJava


JavaPayload is a collection of pure Java payloads to be used for post-exploitation from pure Java exploits or from common misconfigurations (like not password protected Tomcat manager or debugger port).

Outdated documentation can be found at

and inside this repo.

The current home of this project is http://javapayload.sourceforge.net/ and its source is at http://javapayload.svn.sourceforge.net/.

Required libraries

Since Git does not perform well with huge libraries inside the repository, the required libraries have been left out. They are available as a separate download at


Get in touch

You can contact me at schierlm@users.sourceforge.net. Or, just fork and send pull requests. I will try my very best to get them merged into SVN (still a git newbie), or may even switch over to GitHub if contributions get overwhelming :-)