
A Traefik plugin to change on the fly header's value of a request

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Header transformation plugin for traefik

Build Status

This plugin allows changing on the fly, the header value of a request.

Dev traefik.yml configuration file for traefik

  token: [REDACTED]

    goPath: /home/tm/go
    moduleName: github.com/tommoulard/htransformation

    address: ":8000"
      insecure: true

  dashboard: true
  insecure: true

    filename: rules-htransformation.yaml

How to dev

$ docker run -d --network host containous/whoami -port 5000
# traefik --config-file traefik.yml

How to use

To choose a Rule you have to fill the Type field with one of the following:

  • 'Del' : to Delete a header
  • 'Join' : to Join values on a header
  • 'Rename' : to rename a header
  • 'RewriteValueRule': to rewrite header values
  • 'Set' : to Set a header

Each Rule can be named with the Name field


A Rule Rename needs two arguments.

  • Header, the regex of the header you want to replace
  • Value, the new header
# Example Rename
- Rule:
      Name: 'Header rename'
      Header: 'Cache-Control'
      Value: 'NewHeader'
      Type: 'Rename'
# Old header:
Cache-Control: gzip, deflate

# New header:
NewHeader: gzip, deflate
- Rule:
      Name: 'Header Renaming'
      Header: 'X-Traefik-*'
      Value: 'X-Traefik-merged'
      Type: 'Rename'
# Old header:
X-Traefik-uuid: 0
X-Traefik-date: mer. 21 oct. 2020 11:57:39 CEST
# New header:
X-Traefik-merged: 0 # A value from old headers


A Set rule will either create or replace the header and value (if it already exists)

A rule Set need 2 arguments

  • Header, the header you want to create
  • Value, the value of the new header
# Example Join
- Rule:
      Name: 'Set Cache-Control'
      Header: 'Cache-Control'
      Value: 'Foo'
      Type: 'Join'
# New header:
Cache-Control: Foo


A rule Delete need one arguments

  • Header, the header you want to delete
# Example Del
- Rule:
      Name: 'Delete Cache-Control'
      Header: 'Cache-Control'
      Type: 'Del'


A Join rule will concatenate the values of the existing header with the new one. If the header doesn't exist, it'll do nothing

It needs 3 arguments

  • Header, the header you want to join
  • Values, a list of values to add to the existing header
  • Sep, the separator you want to use
# Example Join
- Rule:
      Name: 'Header join'
      Header: 'Cache-Control'
      Sep: ','
        - 'Foo'
        - 'Bar'
      Type: 'Join'
# Old header:
Cache-Control: gzip, deflate

# Joined header:
Cache-Control: gzip, deflate,Foo,Bar

You can reuse other header values in Value or one of the Values by setting an additional argument HeaderPrefix. Example:

# Example Usage
- Rule:
  Name: 'Header set'
  Header: 'X-Forwarded-For'
  HeaderPrefix: "^"
      - 'Foo'
      - '^CF-Connecting-IP'
  Type: 'Join'
# Old header:
# New headers:
X-Forwarded-For: Foo,

RewriteValue Rule

A RewriteValue Rule will replace the values of the headers identified by a matching regex with the provided value.

It needs 2 arguments

  • Header, the header or regex identifying the headers you want to change
  • Value, the new value of the headers
# Example RewriteValueRule
- Rule:
      Name: 'Header rewriteValue'
      Header: 'Foo'
      Value: 'X-(.*)'
      ValueReplace: 'Y-$1'
      Type: 'RewriteValueRule'
# Old header:
Foo: X-Test

# Modified header:
Foo: Y-Test


The rules will be evaluated in the order of definition

- Rule:
  Name: 'Header addition'
  Header: 'X-Custom-2'
  Value: 'True'
  Type: 'Set'
- Rule:
  Name: 'Header deletion'
  Header: 'X-Custom-2'
  Type: 'Del'
- Rule:
  Name: 'Header join'
  Header: 'X-Custom-2'
  Value: 'False'
  Type: 'Set'

Will set the header X-Custom-2 to 'True', then delete it and set it again but with False


Tom Moulard Clément David Martin Huvelle Alexandre Bossut-Lasry