
A jinja2 extension that adds a {% markdown %} tag to jinja.

Primary LanguagePython

Jinja2 Markdown extension Build Status

A simple extension for adding a {% markdown %}{% endmarkdown %} tag to Jinja.


pip install jinja2_markdown


from jinja2_markdown import MarkdownExtension



jinja_env = Environment(extensions=['jinja2_markdown.MarkdownExtension'])


Automatic whitespace gobble

This works:

<article class="article container-very-tight pad-medium highlight-first">
    {% markdown %}
        Terms of Service

        In short, we run this website called Volcanic Pixels and you are more
        than welcome to use it and the products distributed through it. All we
        ask is that you don't use it for things which are illegal or harmful.


    {% endmarkdown %}

Want a new feature? Bug report?

Open an issue on github, or better submit a pull request.