
A simple raytracer in C++ using OpenGL, GLEW, and GLM

Primary LanguageC++


A simple raytracer and renderer implemented in C++ using OpenGL, GLEW, and GLM

The project uses a basic MFC framework for GUI implementation. The main feature is the Render->Raytrace menu option. When activating this option, the application may freeze intermittently- this is normal, as the ray computation is very CPU/GPU heavy.

Please see releases to download the latest version.


Supports Microsoft Windows-32 bit (x86) Builds ONLY


  1. OpenGL - A graphics library
  2. GLEW - An extension library for OpenGL
  3. GLM - A mathematical extensions library
  4. Microsoft 2005 C++ Redistributables - Runtime redistributables

Common Issues & Fixes

  1. "Application Unable to Start Correctly"

    Your machine does not have the Dependency #4 (C++ runtime redistributables) installed.


  2. "Fatal Error C1073: Internal error involving incremental compilation"

    Disable Configuration properties | C/C++ | Code generation | "minimal rebuild".



  1. Dr. Charles B. Owen (MSU) - Custom graphics operations code and the original GUI framework.