LessQL is a lightweight and performant alternative to Object-Relational Mapping for PHP.
// user: id, name
// post: id, title, body, date_published, is_published, user_id
// categorization: category_id, post_id
// category: id, title
// Connection
$pdo = new PDO( 'sqlite:blog.sqlite3' );
$db = new LessQL\Database( $pdo );
// Find posts, their authors and categories efficiently:
// Eager loading of references happens automatically.
// This example only needs FOUR queries, one for each table.
$posts = $db->post()
->where( 'is_published', 1 )
->orderBy( 'date_published', 'DESC' );
foreach ( $posts as $post ) {
$author = $post->user()->fetch();
foreach ( $post->categorizationList()->category() as $category ) {
// ...
// Saving complex structures is easy
$row = $db->createRow( 'post', array(
'title' => 'News',
'body' => 'Yay!',
'categorizationList' => array(
'category' => array( 'title' => 'New Category' )
array( 'category' => $existingCategoryRow )
// Creates a post, a new category, two new categorizations
// and connects them all correctly.
Install LessQL via composer: composer require morris/lessql
LessQL requires PHP >= 5.3.0 and PDO.
- Efficient deep finding through intelligent eager loading
- Constant number of queries, no N+1 problems
- Save complex, nested structures with one method call
- Convention over configuration
- Work closely to your database: LessQL is not an ORM
- No glue code required
- Clean, readable source code
- Fully tested with SQLite3, MySQL and PostgreSQL
- MIT license
Inspired mainly by NotORM, it was written from scratch to provide a clean API and simplified concepts.