Open Source Love

This repository is built for the purpose of encouraging your contributions, big or small. PRs are welcome!


Win a t-shirt by making five pull requests (PRs) between October 1–31 in any timezone. PRs can be to any public repo on GitHub. The PR must contain commits you made yourself. PRs reported by maintainers as spam or that are automated will be marked as invalid and won't count towards the shirt.

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John Doe (Example)

Alec Young Tie Yang

Arwin Neil Baichoo

Tasneem Noor Mohamed

Veekshit Jangi


Shravan Dwarka

Taariq Noor Mohamed

Cedric Poilly (cedpoilly)

Tatiana Eclair

Tanjana Ramsamy

Anshruta D Jahal (AnshrutaOfficial)

Beemal Ramkalawan

Lucshika Beedessy


Rajneesh Puttyah