Front-end Bootstrap System
- Use Laravel/Blade as a template engine for merging html blocks (instead of php native templates)
- Write post-css script to fix less/sass BEM name convention BEM
- Write and install by default jquery-bem library (BEM class manipulation)
- build/ - ready-to-use static .html pages
- build/css - css files
- build/js - js files
- build/img - image assets
- build/fonts - font assets
- build/vendor - 3rd party libraries (js/css)
- src - source file
- src/views/ - php html templates
- src/views/helpers - templates of repeatable helper elements
- src/views/blocks - templates of block elements
- src/views/pages - templates of pages
- src/views/data - data (dummy content) to fill up templates
- src/styles - source style files (less/sass)
- src/styles/helpers - styles of helper blocks
- src/styles/blocks - styles of blocks
- src/scripts - JS script sources (ES6 is available)
- sys - framework core
- File build/pagename.html contains built ready-to-use html-markup for the
- grunt and grunt plugins installsys/serv port
- runs a php built-in web-server on localhost:port (available in WLAN/LAN by your IP)sys/config.php
- configuration file
- html_build.php - simple native-php template engine
- html_fixpaths.php - fixing relative paths in .html, .css, и .js files
- one-time buildgrunt online
- continuous build in watch-mode
- grunt-contrib-less
- grunt-postcss
- grunt-autoprefixer
- grunt-contrib-cssmin
- grunt-prettify
- grunt-contrib-htmlmin
- grunt-contrib-copy
- grunt-contrib-watch
- grunt-shell
- grunt-babel (es6) (turned off by default)