Media player plugin for Cordova that uses Google's ExoPlayer
- 0
Terrible repository structure
#113 opened by utgMarketing - 0
[ Feature Request ] Add Chromecast Support
#112 opened by elyeandre - 0
Migration to Media3
#111 opened by pinguluk - 0
Does the plugin support mkv video format
#110 opened by lauben2814y - 3
2.5.4 showbuffering false not working
#64 opened by acollazomayer - 3
Build failed
#95 opened by halibegic - 1
Force start in landscape mode
#99 opened by utgMarketing - 1
ExoPlayer ionic 5
#94 opened by itmprod - 3
#104 opened by MasterB0t - 1
Problem Build Ionic 5
#101 opened by gfernandez87 - 3
set custom icons for controller
#76 opened by jaber9030 - 1
- 0
- 1
- 1
compatible with the latest version Cordova 12?
#108 opened by rcasunshare - 17
Cordova Overlay
#74 opened by CanJr - 16
- 5
Build error
#93 opened by Nemanja02 - 1
First time use
#68 opened by BobAchgill - 1
Any other events we can listen for?
#71 opened by jfrux - 1
Video still playing on background
#70 opened by RhuanGonzaga - 8
Anyway we could modify it to just have a transparent background and allow to see through to what is in the background when video is not playing?
#72 opened by jfrux - 0
DASH DRM support
#86 opened by Serkan-Karacelikler - 1
How can I increase buffering
#69 opened by maykoestevez - 2
Build error for cordova android 6.4.0
#73 opened by hldevup - 1
Controller position
#67 opened by 7IXKTUIV1 - 1
How to View 360 degree video
#75 opened by jaber9030 - 20
Is version 2.5.4 working on cordova android 8 ?
#83 opened by samsoft08 - 2
- 2
update ExoPlayer to 2.11.7
#88 opened by rcasunshare - 6
- 1
Can we play m3u8 live stremeaing link by using this plugin, if yes then how?
#91 opened by 1stfoldAhmad - 3
Ionic 3 + ExoPlayer
#59 opened by RhuanGonzaga - 1
- 1
PlayPause not working
#85 opened by Geowan - 1
Control by keyboard
#84 opened by samsoft08 - 2
Custom headers for streams
#82 opened by Be4t5 - 2
Update to API 28
#80 opened by cknost - 2
how to add and show playlist
#79 opened by vista136 - 3
cordova build compile error
#52 opened by fadeli1 - 8
Cordova video plugin with looping control?
#62 opened by BobAchgill - 1
Prevent Crash
#57 opened by Wannerron - 1
- 15
Build error for 2.5.4
#56 opened by mkalyon - 1
API For Landscape
#61 opened by edoofx - 4
Unable to build with cordova android 7.1.0
#63 opened by acollazomayer - 1
Close with backbutton
#60 opened by edoofx - 5
Suggestion Header
#51 opened by Wannerron - 2
How to add a back button
#53 opened by fadeli1 - 2
Execution failed for task ':transformDexArchiveWithExternalLibsDexMergerForDebug'.
#50 opened by a930334