This software is intended to help a developer designing electronic circuits by describing them with arrows. The arrow notation represents the according. From the netlist the developer can generate various other formats by compiling the arrow into them. With this software three basic compilers are shipped. One generates a simple textual representation that helps debugging the actual circuit. Another generates VHDL representations of the circuit. The third one generates DOT syntax for visualization of circuits.
The Software is available of various locations. The source is downloadable via It's git archive can be cloned with the following command:
> git clone
Another way of installing this software is via haskell's package management system cabal:
> cabal update
> cabal install ArrowVHDL
This software is intended too be used interactively within ghci. Therefore no further setup is necessary.
Basic Functionality
There is a canon of functions to be used, while working with netlists. These are
- With flatten one is able to extract atomic parts from a netlist. This function should be used with all more complex circuits to ensure the generation of meaningful netlists.synthesize
- This function actually compiles the netlist arrow into one of the description languages. The result for complex netlists must then be feed intoflatten
to get a meaningful netlist.simulate
- With simulate the callable part of the circuit arrow is extracted. To actually run a simulation of the circuit over a given input stream, therunStream
function is needed.runStream
- This function must be used to create a function that operates over a list of values of the type the circuit arrow expects.
Load up the example file Beispiel.hs
into an interactive ghci
session via:
ghci Beispiel.hs
Ok, modules loaded: ...
You can then go through the examples defined within Beispiel.hs
Data Types
At first one should have a look onto the type of the given example circuit.
Beispiel> :t aTest0
aTest0 :: (Arrow a, Num c) => Grid a c c
The circuit represents a "times two" circuit. Therefore it's type represents that every number c is mapped onto another number c. The circuit consists of a duplication part connected to an addition circuit.
To simulate that circuit over a list of input values one has to call
on aTest0 and pass that result into the runStream
function. The resulting function can than applied to a list of input
Beispiel> (runStream (simulate aTest0)) [1..10]
As Haskell supports infinite lists, one could simulate the execution of the defined circuit over an infinite number of input values. Of course such a simulation would take forever. To actually simulate over infinite input values one has only to supply the circuit with an infinite list of Haskell:
Beispiel> (runStream (simulate aTest0)) (repeat 23)
Code Generation
To generate code from arrows one could use the supplied command
. This function takes an arrow into another representation
of that arrow. The actual supported variants could be graphviz's
dot-notation as well as vhdl code. The process of synthesizing is done
Beispiel> (synthesize aShiftR5_XorKey)
According to the way, the ArrowVHDL library generates netlists from
the arrow description, the above instruction would only return the
last step of the combined netlist. To create a meaningful description
one needs to feed the result of the command into the flatten
Beispiel> (flatten (synthesize aShiftR5_XorKey))
This will then return a complete netlist described within the selected description method.
Switching Describing Methods
For the lack of a better process, the switch of the describing method
must be done manually by changing the included Show
library. Therefore one must open the Show.hs
file within the folder
Within that file, there are three import statements for the different show mechanisms; two of them commented. Uncomment the desired method and comment the other two, like if one wants to output VHDL source, the import statements should look like the following
-- import System.ArrowVHDL.Circuit.Show.Simple
import System.ArrowVHDL.Circuit.Show.VHDL
-- import System.ArrowVHDL.Circuit.Show.DOT
After that, the ArrowVHDL library is again ready to use. It will now generate it's output within the selected format.
If there are for any reason more then one Show methods selected,
one will get an Ambiguous occurrence
Ambiguous occurrence ‘showCircuit’
It could refer to either ‘Simple.showCircuit’,
imported from ‘System.ArrowVHDL.Circuit.Show....