

  • Docker is installed

Running the service

To test this service you should follow these steps:

  1. Building the docker image: docker build --tag interview-project .
  2. Run the docker image in a container: docker run -p8080:8080 --name conversion-service interview-project:latest
  3. Stop/Remove the running the container : docker rm --force conversion-service

NOTE: There is better ways to use docker like generate a fatjar and use multistage dockerfile, I have an example in the branch multi-stage-build' but for some reason I can communicate from the exterior to the jar that is running inside the container. So I decided to share what is in master to not use much more time in the exercise as time is a constraint.

Running the tests


  • sbt is installed
  1. Run: sbt compile test

Design decisions

I chose Akka Http because it was only one endpoint but due to that I ended up writing a Dockerfile that I dot not like (Read more in the Dockerfile)

In a bigger project I would choose finatra which is easier to use, avoids this issue with the Dockerfile at all, is fast and is a complete framework.