
Fork of symfony sfDoctrineNestedSetPlugin

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Fork of http://svn.symfony-project.com/plugins/sfDoctrineNestedSetPlugin

The sfDoctrineNestedSetPlugin allows use of the doctrine behaviour NestedSet. It allows move, add, delete and sort nodes. Plugin contains widget (sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoiceNestedSet) and validator (sfValidatorDoctrineNestedSet) which you can use separately.


Install the plugin

$ symfony plugin:install sfDoctrineNestedSetPlugin


To get fully functional NestedSet behaviour you need to change this files:

  • schema.yml
  • generator.yml
  • actions.class.php
  • MODULE_NAMEForm.class.php
  • MODULE_NAMEFilter.class.php
  • _list_td_tabular.php
  • view.yml


Apply the behavior to your model in your schema file:

	# config/doctrine/schema.yml
        DoctrineNestedSetPlugin: ~

Note. This work only with option "hasManyRoots: true". Plugin extends Doctrine behaviour NestedSet and adds column "position". Columns "root_id", "lft", "rgt" and "level" are added by NestedSet.


In your module, edit config/generator.yml, and under list, object actions, add:

	# config/generator.yml
          action: promote
          action: demote
        _edit:  ~
        _delete: ~


In your module, edit 'actions.class.php', Add the following methods:

	// YourModuleName/actions.class.php
    public function executeDelete(sfWebRequest $request)

      $this->dispatcher->notify(new sfEvent($this, 'admin.delete_object', array('object' => $this->getRoute()->getObject())));

      if ($this->getRoute()->getObject()->getNode()->delete())
        $this->getUser()->setFlash('notice', 'The item was deleted successfully.');


    protected function executeBatchDelete(sfWebRequest $request)
      $ids = $request->getParameter('ids');

      $records = Doctrine_Query::create()
        ->whereIn('id', $ids)

      foreach ($records as $record)

      $this->getUser()->setFlash('notice', 'The selected items have been deleted successfully.');

    protected function addSortQuery($query)
      $query->addOrderBy('position asc');
      $query->addOrderBy('lft asc');

    public function executePromote(sfWebRequest $request)
      $object = $this->getRoute()->getObject();
      if ($object->promote())
        $this->getUser()->setFlash('notice', 'The selected node has been moved successfully.');    
        $this->getUser()->setFlash('error', 'The selected node cannot be moved.');     

    public function executeDemote(sfWebRequest $request)
      $object = $this->getRoute()->getObject();
      if ($object->demote())
        $this->getUser()->setFlash('notice', 'The selected node has been moved successfully.');    
        $this->getUser()->setFlash('error', 'The selected node cannot be moved.');    

Methods "executeDelete", "executeBatchDelete" are similar to methods you can find in cache. The only difference is method "getNode()" prepending method "delete()". Change MODULE_NAME in method "executeBatchDelete()". Method "addSortQuery()" completely rewritten because the order of nestedset is already defined ('position asc, lft asc'). Change "@moduleIndexRoute" according to your router.


Edit MODULE_NAMEForm.class.php file, add the following code:

    public function configure()
        // ...

        $this->setWidget('parent', new sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoiceNestedSet(array(
            'model'     => $this->getModelName(),
            'add_empty' => true,
            'query'     => $this->getObject()
                              ->orderBy('position asc, lft asc')

        if ($this->getObject()->getNode()->hasParent())
            // FIXME: You can change getPrimaryKey() method to that your own model used (i. e. getModelId())
            $this->setDefault('parent', $this->getObject()->getNode()->getParent()->getPrimaryKey());

        $this->setValidator('parent', new sfValidatorDoctrineChoiceNestedSet(array(
	        'required' => false,
	        'model'    => $this->getModelName(),
	        'node'     => $this->getObject()
        $this->getValidator('parent')->setMessage('node', 'A category cannot be made a descendent of itself.');
        $this->setValidator('position', new sfValidatorDoctrineNestedSetPosition(array(
            'required' => false,
            'model'    => $this->getModelName(),
            'node'     => $this->getObject()
        $this->getValidator('position')->setMessage('position', 'This node position is in use by other node.');

    protected function doUpdateObject($values)
        $values = $this->getObject()->updateNestedSetObject($values, $this->isNew());


    protected function doSave($con=null)



If you want to filter records by root_id column you can add following code to file MODULE_NAMEFilter.class.php:

    public function configure()
        $this->setWidget('parent', new sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoice(array(
	        'model' => $this->getModelName(),
	        'add_empty' => true,
            'key_method' => 'getRootId',
            'query' => $this->getTable()->createQuery()
                                        ->where('level = ?', '0')
                                        ->orderBy('position asc')

        $this->setValidator('parent', new sfValidatorDoctrineChoice(array(
            'required' => false,
            'model' => $this->getModelName(),
            'column' => 'root_id'

    public function addParentColumnQuery($query, $field, $value)
        if (!empty($value))
            $query->andWhere(sprintf('%s.root_id = ?', $query->getRootAlias()), $value);


Add indentation to make nestedset list looks more appealing. Copy file '_list_td_tabular.php' from cache to 'templates' directory. Add inline style to TD tag where you want to see indentation:

    style="padding-left: <?php echo $MODULENAME->getLevel()*20;?>px;"

Code should look like this:

    <!-- /apps/backend/modules/module_name/templates/_list_td_tabular.php -->
    <td class="sf_admin_text sf_admin_list_td_name" style="padding-left: <?php echo $MODULENAME->getLevel()*20;?>px;">
      <?php echo $MODULENAME->getCOLUNMNAME() ?>



To add arrow images to list you need to publish plugin assets:

$ symfony plugin:publish-assets

and add plugin stylesheets to view.yml file

    stylesheets: [/sfDoctrineNestedSetPlugin/css/nestedset.css]

As you can see above we use widget sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoiceNestedSet and validator sfValidatorDoctrineNestedSet which included in the plugin. You can use its as ordinary Symfony widgets and validators.


The sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoiceNestedSet functions nearly the same as sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoice, the only difference being that it will automatically sort the items by their hierarchy, and will indent each item according to its level. As this widget extends sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoice, it can be added without any other code changes necessary:

    $this->setWidget('item', new sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoiceNestedSet(array(
        'model'     => $this->getModelName(),
        'add_empty' => true,
        'query'     => $this->getObject()
                            ->orderBy('position asc, lft asc')

The order you can define in 'query' option.


The sfValidatorDoctrineNestedSet provides validation by checking that the selected node is not a descendant of the node passed to it during configuration (and that they are not the same). This can be used to ensure that when moving a node, it is not made a descendant of itself. The validator extends from sfValidatorBase and includes two required options: 'model', which is the model class, and 'node', which is the node that the selected item is being checked against. Normally, this will be the form's object:

    $this->setValidator('item', new sfValidatorDoctrineNestedSet(array(
        'model' => $this->getModelName(),
        'node'  => $this->getObject(),


For more information please feel free to visit halestock.wordpress.com and leave a comment.