
Implemented basic classification algorithms with python

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Visualization Ref: https://explained.ai/decision-tree-viz/

Project Objectives:

  1. Feature Engineering

    • Evaluate the importance of all these features, find the most important one and analyze why is it so important.
    • Methodology: Random Forest
  2. Classification

    • Estimate how many variants will have conflicting classifications, why are they considered to have conflicting classifications?
    • Methodology: Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Adaboost
  3. Clustering

    • With label unknown, compare the 2 results.
    • Methodology: K-means Clustering



Performance Evaluation:

  1. Decision Boundary:

    • our predicted outcome \hat y_i is a number between 0 and 1, we need another mapping to map the region to a binary output, thus, a decision boundary (cutoff point).
    • we usually use 0.5 as a cutoff point blindly.
  2. Evaluation:

    • Confusion Matrix: First go true or not, then go actual value (observed value)
      • TP: Prediction is True + Predicted value is Positive
      • FP: Prediction is False + Predicted value is Positive
      • TN: Prediction is True + Predicted value is Negative
      • FN: Prediction is False + Predicted value is Negative
    • Performance:
      • Accuracy = $\frac{TP + TN}{TP + FN + FP + TN}$
      • Sensitivity (TPR) = $\frac{TP}{TP + FN}$
        • Sensitivity/recall – how good a test is at detecting the positives. A test can cheat and maximize this by always returning “positive”.
      • Specificity (1 - FPR) = $\frac{TN}{TN + FP}$
        • Specificity – how good a test is at avoiding false alarms. A test can cheat and maximize this by always returning “negative”.
      • Precision = $\frac{TP}{TP + FP}$
        • Precision – how many of the positively classified were true. A test can cheat and maximize this by only returning positive on one result it’s most confident in.
      • Recall = $\frac{TP}{TP + FN}$
      • F-measure = $\frac{2Precesion\times Recall}{Precesion + Recall}$
  3. ROC Curve:

    • for all possible cutoff points, compute Specificity and Sensitivity, plot every coords: (1 - Specificity, Sensitivity) on a figure
    • Null Model: randomly assign a prediction above the cutoff point as True / False randomly assign a prediction below the cutoff point as True / False So, FP = TP
    • AUC (Area under the ROC Curve)
      • the steeper the ROC Curve, the greater the predictive power
      • AUC = 0.5 -> no predictive power
      • AUC = 1 -> perfect predictive power





Read more about

  • [Logistic Regression](Algo1 - Logistic Regression/README.md)
  • [Decision Tree](Algo2 - Decision Tree/README.md)
  • [Random Forest](Algo3 - Random Forest/README.md)
  • [Adaboost](Algo4 - Adaboost/README.md)
  • [K Means](Algo5 - K means/README.md)


You can Contribute to this project with issues or pull requests.

Release Notes





If you have any ideas, feedback, requests or bug reports, you can reach me at frostace0723@gmail.com