
A utility to find python versions on your system

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A utility to find python versions on your system.

Tests PyPI PyPI - Python Version pdm-managed


This library is a rewrite of pythonfinder project by @techalchemy. It simplifies the whole code structure while preserving most of the original features.


FindPython is installable via any kind of package manager including pip:

pip install findpython
Expand this section to see findpython's availability in the package ecosystem Packaging status


>>> import findpython
>>> findpython.find(3, 9)  # Find by major and minor version
<PythonVersion executable=PosixPath('/opt/homebrew/bin/python3.9'), version=<Version('3.9.10')>, architecture='64bit', major=3, minor=9, patch=10>
>>> findpython.find("3.9")  # Find by version string
<PythonVersion executable=PosixPath('/opt/homebrew/bin/python3.9'), version=<Version('3.9.10')>, architecture='64bit', major=3, minor=9, patch=10>
>>> findpython.find("3.9-32")  # Find by version string and architecture
<PythonVersion executable=WindowsPath('C:\\Python\\3.9-32\\python.exe'), version=<Version('3.9.10')>, architecture='32bit', major=3, minor=9, patch=10>
>>> findpython.find(name="python3")  # Find by executable name
<PythonVersion executable=PosixPath('/Users/fming/Library/PythonUp/bin/python3'), version=<Version('3.10.2')>, architecture='64bit', major=3, minor=10, patch=2>
>>> findpython.find("python3")  # Find by executable name without keyword argument, same as above
<PythonVersion executable=PosixPath('/Users/fming/Library/PythonUp/bin/python3'), version=<Version('3.10.2')>, architecture='64bit', major=3, minor=10, patch=2>
>>> findpython.find_all(major=3, minor=9)  # Same arguments as `find()`, but return all matches
[<PythonVersion executable=PosixPath('/opt/homebrew/bin/python3.9'), version=<Version('3.9.10')>, architecture='64bit', major=3, minor=9, patch=10>, <PythonVersion executable=PosixPath('/opt/homebrew/bin/python3'), version=<Version('3.9.10')>, architecture='64bit', major=3, minor=9, patch=10>, <PythonVersion executable=PosixPath('/Users/fming/Library/PythonUp/cmd/python3.9'), version=<Version('3.9.9')>, architecture='64bit', major=3, minor=9, patch=9>, <PythonVersion executable=PosixPath('/usr/local/bin/python3.9'), version=<Version('3.9.5')>, architecture='64bit', major=3, minor=9, patch=5>, <PythonVersion executable=PosixPath('/usr/local/bin/python3'), version=<Version('3.9.5')>, architecture='64bit', major=3, minor=9, patch=5>]

CLI Usage

In addition, FindPython provides a CLI interface to find python versions:

usage: findpython [-h] [-V] [-a] [--resolve-symlink] [-v] [--no-same-file] [--no-same-python] [--providers PROVIDERS]

A utility to find python versions on your system

positional arguments:
  version_spec          Python version spec or name

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -a, --all             Show all matching python versions
  --resolve-symlink     Resolve all symlinks
  -v, --verbose         Verbose output
  --no-same-file        Eliminate the duplicated results with the same file contents
  --no-same-python      Eliminate the duplicated results with the same sys.executable
  --providers PROVIDERS
                        Select provider(s) to use


FindPython finds Python from the following places:

  • PATH environment variable
  • pyenv install root
  • asdf python install root
  • rye toolchain install root
  • /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions (MacOS)
  • Windows registry (Windows only)


FindPython is released under MIT License.