How to submit:

  1. Start an empty local git repo/branch and commit the code found in as the initial commit

  2. Build the application as per mentioned below

  3. Push your code/commits somewhere and email us the link where we can easily view the diff, or download the code

Part 1: Build an invoice editor in React that allows a user add, edit, or remove line items according to the text-based mockup below. Pricing should be updated on-the-fly as line items are added or edited. Don't worry about persisting invoices. Don't worry about styling.

Item                      Qty     Price       Total
Widget                   [ 2 ]  [ $10.00 ]  [ $20.00 ] x
Cog                      [ 2 ]  [ $15.99 ]  [ $31.98 ] x
[ New Item ]             [   ]  [        ]  [        ]
                                    Subtotal      $51.98
                                    Tax (5%)       $2.60
                                    Total         $54.58

Part 2: Incorporate Redux into your application

Part 3: Write Tests using the test framework of your choice

Part 4: Make it beautiful and mobile responsive