
notes and exercises from the data-engeineering zoomcamp from DataTalksClub

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This repository contains notes and exercises I made taking the Data Engineer Zoomcamp provided by the Data Talks Club.


Data used: Yellow Taxi Data New York

The data can ce downloaded using: wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/nyc-tlc/trip+data/yellow_tripdata_2021-01.csv

Week 1: Introduction & Prerequisites

  • Postgres
    • Load the data into a database
    • Use pgcli to connect to Postgres
  • pgAdmin
    • Use the webinterface to look at the data
  • Docker
    • Getting started with Docker
    • Use Docker to start Postgres
    • Use Docker to start pgAdmin
    • Use both in the same network
  • docker-compose
    • Use one yaml-file to start pgAdmin and Postgres in the same network
  • Introduction to Terraform
  • Introduction to Google Cloud
  • Homework

Week 2: Workflow Orchestration

  • Data Lake
  • Workflow orchestration
  • Introduction to Prefect
  • ETL with GCP & Prefect
    • store data in GCS and Big Query
  • Parametrizing workflows
  • Prefect Cloud and additional resources
  • Homework

Week 3: Data Warehouse

  • Data Warehouse
  • BigQuery
  • Partitioning and clustering
  • BigQuery best practices
  • Internals of BigQuery
  • Integrating BigQuery with Airflow
  • BigQuery Machine Learning

Week 4: Analytics Engineering

  • Basics of analytics engineering
  • dbt (data build tool)
  • BigQuery and dbt
  • Postgres and dbt
  • dbt models
  • Testing and documenting
  • Deployment to the cloud and locally
  • Visualizing the data with google data studio and metabase

Week 5: Batch processing

  • Batch processing
  • What is Spark
  • Spark Dataframes
  • Spark SQL
  • Internals: GroupBy and joins

Week 6: Streaming

  • Introduction to Kafka
  • Schemas (avro)
  • Kafka Streams
  • Kafka Connect and KSQL

Week 7, 8 & 9: Project