
Deploy App for MNIST Classification using TorchServe and Flask

Primary LanguagePython

MNIST Web app

This repository contains a simple web app for making predictions using the MNIST dataset. The purpose is to understand torchserve and how to combine it with a webservice. The model for making the predictions has been downloaded from https://github.com/pytorch/serve/tree/master/examples/image_classifier/mnist/mnist_cnn.pt

Torchserve only

In the repo https://github.com/pytorch/serve/tree/master/examples/image_classifier/mnist/ an example how to serve this model using a customized handler based on the ImageClassifier. I used the BaseHandler to get familiar with it. The handler script is called mnist_handler_base.py and I used this post to write it: https://towardsdatascience.com/deploy-models-and-create-custom-handlers-in-torchserve-fc2d048fbe91. The base handler script can be found here: https://github.com/pytorch/serve/blob/master/ts/torch_handler/base_handler.py

Create the .mar file, which contains all information to deploy the model (in order to execute this some dependencies need to be installed) torch-model-archiver --model-name mnist --version 2.0 --model-file mnist.py --serialized-file mnist_cnn.pt --handler mnist_handler_base.py --force

Move the created file into the model-store folder

mv mnist.mar model-store/

Use docker to serve the model

docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081 --name mar -v $(pwd)/model-store:/home/model-server/model-store -v $(pwd):/home/model-server/examples pytorch/torchserve:latest torchserve --start --model-store model-store --models mnist=mnist.mar

Check which models are registered:



  "models": [
      "modelName": "mnist",
      "modelUrl": "mnist.mar"

Make predictions: curl -T 3.png, output 3


now we want to combine the above with a simple web app to make the predictions from an uploaded image:

  • in folder deployment is a Dockerfile from pytorch/torchserve:latest, which only copies the .mar file to the model-store folder. nd starts torchserve (Note: change latest to other version)
    • build the image: build -t torchserve-mar:v1
  • In subfolder app
    • create file app.py and subfolders templates and static
    • templates contains html content of app
    • static is for saveig the uploaded images
    • app.py is script that creates the app to make predictions
    • in folder app create Dockerfile to run the app
    • build the image docker-build -t app:v1
  • in folder deployment use docker-compose.yaml to run both services
  • start services with docker-compose up