% Modifications to Boost for SX-Aurora TSUBASA
This module contains the modifications to the boost library. Supported version is 1.67. This is used for Frovedis, and currently only supports serialization, program options, and lexical cast.
The script "build.sh" downloads boost 1.67, modifies the files, and builds part of libraries (program options, serialization and system) using boost's build system b2.
You need to modify INSTALLPATH in build.sh Then please call it:
$ ./build.sh
The directory "modified" contains the modified files to support SX-Auora TSUBASA. The files are copied in build.sh. The directory also contains ncc.jam, which defines the compiler's definitions used by b2. It also contains configuration file user.hpp. The other modified files includes ve defines to check if it is SX-Aurora TSUBASA's compiler.
After building, please also modify INSTALLPATH of install.sh, then call it as root if it is required:
# ./install.sh
It copies the include files and built libraries into the INSTALLPATH.