
Works like Meteor's Session, but bound to template instances.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Works like Meteor's Session, but bound to template instances. The TemplateSession class is used for making reactive property transfers between helpers and callbacks possible.

Demo: http://templatesessiondemo.meteor.com


$ mrt add template-session


The TemplateSession works like Session, but for template instance specific

To set and get properties does as follow:

// set a property
TemplateSession.set('myProperty', 'myValue');

// to get it inside a helper, or callback

Additional you can pass a third options parameter with {reactive: false}, to prevent reactive reruns. You also can pass a fixed id, to be used for the TemplateSession like: {id: 1234}

When you want to to get/set TemplateSession fomr within a template hook or event use the following syntax:

// set a property
TemplateSession.set.call(this, 'myProperty', 'myValue');

// to get it inside a helper, or callback
TemplateSession.get.call(this, 'myProperty');

// or from an event
'click button': function(e, template) {
    TemplateSession.set.call(template, 'myProperty', 'myValue');

Re-run You cans also use the TemplateSession to reactivily "re-run" helpers by setting the value to rerun. This will just rerun all reactive helpers which call TemplateSession.get().


It won't rerun depending functions, when calling TemplateSession.set() and the value didn't changed. Except when the stored value is an object or array (as this is only a stored reference).

API Docs

TemplateSession.get(propertyName, options)

When get is called it creates a Deps.Dependency.depend() for that key in the store.

  • @method get
  • @param {String} propertyName The name of the property you want to get. Should consist of the 'templateName->myPropertyName'
  • @param {Object} options give {reactive: true} if it shouldn't be reactive.
  • @return {Mixed} The stored value.

TemplateSession.set(propertyName, value, options)

When set is called every depending reactive function where TemplateSession.get() with the same key is called will rerun.

  • @method set
  • @param {String} propertyName The name of the property you want to get. Should consist of the 'templateName->myPropertyName'
  • @param {String|Object} value If the value is a string with rerun, then it will be rerun all dependent functions where get TemplateInstance.get() was called.
  • @param {Object} options give {reactive: true} if it shouldn't be reactive.
  • @return undefined

TemplateSession.setAll(propertyName, value, options)

Will run set() for all key, which match the property name, independent of its id.

  • @method set
  • @param {String} propertyName The name of the property you want to get. Should consist of the 'templateName->myPropertyName'
  • @param {String|Object} value If the value is a string with rerun, then it will be rerun all dependent functions where get TemplateInstance.get() was called.
  • @param {Object} options give {reactive: true} if it shouldn't be reactive.
  • @return undefined

TemplateSession.unset(propertyName, options)

Clears a set property.

Note This is by default NOT reactive. If you want it to rerun dependecies before removing the property, pass {reactive: true} as third parameter.

  • @method unset
  • @param {String} propertyName The name of the property you want to get. Should consist of the 'templateName->myPropertyName'
  • @param {Object} options give {reactive: true} if it shouldn't be reactive.
  • @return undefined

TemplateSession.unsetAll(propertyName, options)

Clears all instances of a set property.

Note This is by default NOT reactive. If you want it to rerun dependecies before removing the property, pass {reactive: true} as third parameter.

  • @method unsetAll
  • @param {String} propertyName The name of the property you want to get. Should consist of the 'templateName->myPropertyName'
  • @param {Object} options give {reactive: true} if it shouldn't be reactive.
  • @return undefined