Fontello Webpack Plugin

Download icon fonts to webpack build folder using Fontello.


npm install fontello-webpack-plugin



const FontelloPlugin = require("fontello-webpack-plugin")

module.exports = {
  entry: "index.js",
  /* ... */
  plugins: [
    new FontelloPlugin({
      config: require("./fontello.config.json")
      /* ...options */


new FontelloPlugin(options: Object)
Name Type Default Description
config Object - Configuration generated by
className String "" Base class name. Use this if your configuration doesn't have a prefix.1
fonts Array [ "eot", "woff", "woff2", "ttf", "svg" ] Font types supported.
name String "icons" Module name.
output.css String "[name].css" Css output path
output.font String "font/[name].[ext]" Fonts output path

1 When config.css_prefix_text is empty a base class name is required to target all icons in css. If no prefix or class name is provided base styles are not emitted.