Takes battle data from the SplatNet 2 app and uploads it to
Pinned issues
- 1
- 1
about the client id
#149 opened by vincenzoiovino - 7
Plans for Splatoon 3
#142 opened by niyari - 7
multiple config files with -f argument
#83 opened by martinemde - 6
how to change scope in authorize url
#147 opened by Asteroidxx - 3
splatnet2statink on android
#145 opened by OctoFloofy - 1
What is the license for this app?
#146 opened by 1404er - 5
9599 - Unexpected Error - On Login/Account step
#143 opened by Jetsurf - 6
- 4
splatnet2statink-v1.7.1-Windowsのsplatnet2statink.exeを実行すると,error: Too many requestsが発生する
#139 opened by Poly-Zeta - 1
- 2
Modify Match Searches: Introduce the "Set Date Range"
#135 opened by cosmunautic - 7
Automatically updating NSO app headers
#129 opened by frozenpandaman - 4
'ModuleNotFoundError' is not defined error
#131 opened by luiscarlospando - 2
Unable to generate new cookie with 1.6.0 update
#130 opened by zvandermeer - 2
- 1
splatnet2statink version update required
#126 opened by Lekuruu - 4
Request to use your api in my application.
#117 opened by JoneWang - 3
Not able to generate cookie: "Upgrade required"
#124 opened by theatredays - 2
Could not decode binary that contained an image data
#120 opened by day210 - 3
Salmon monitoring
#118 opened by iraizo - 1
初めてiksm sessionを取得する際に、エラーが生じてしまう
#115 opened by TomoTom0 - 1
Need more info about self.
#116 opened by day210 - 1
AUR package
#114 opened by lucyydotp - 3
- 8
error from the flapg API
#108 opened by MonsieurA-SP - 1
Automatic cookie creation is broken
#109 opened by Jasper128 - 1
- 2
monitoring mode causing exception
#103 opened by Link8451 - 4
- 4
- 12
1.5.4 session token fails to make cookie
#98 opened by InkxtheSquid - 3
splatnet2statink API is overloaded
#99 opened - 1
- 3
Error from flapg API
#95 opened by AlexCMueller - 2
Unexpected "Too many requests" error using v1.5.3
#92 opened by e-foley - 4
- 3
- 5
- 3
- 10
ascii decode issue
#85 opened by vlee489 - 8
f token generation changed in NSO app v1.5.0
#79 opened by Jetsurf - 3
Cannot open NSO app using mitmproxy
#82 opened by Wolfy76700 - 6
- 7
f token no longer needed?
#77 opened by Jetsurf - 2
Possible bug on salmon mode
#75 opened by guigas7 - 1
- 3
Normal Login still not working
#73 opened - 1
mitmproxy still not working
#68 opened by Terax235 - 7
Can't rename proxy in iOS
#66 opened by gotmilk0112