- 1
- 1
- 1
Lua error on mouse over of pet action bar.
#354 opened by Odaxis - 8
Backdrop settings changes not saving
#349 opened by jmdaku - 7
game freezes when hovering over items with TipTac Reborn and BetterBags is installed
#346 opened by yssaril - 1
Reward level for keystones always shows '-'
#356 opened by jwidauer - 2
- 1
Offset for mouseover
#358 opened by Kingpatzer - 5
game crash after installed v24.09.29
#355 opened by Iambookz - 2
Tooltip scale bug.
#347 opened by mwmadify - 4
Hiding in combat do not work on mm+
#353 opened by Barruchou - 1
- 0
- 0
mouse anchored world unit tips randomly appear for less than half a second on the tiptac anchor position
#350 opened by frozn - 2
Tooltip scaling is affecting dropdown menus
#348 opened by nteetor - 1
target frame rightclick menu bugged
#345 opened by cars11 - 1
Player context menu overflows window border
#343 opened by LemonKnight - 1
Error pops when opening ElvUI minimap menu
#341 opened by bl4kd3th - 1
lua error while doing pet battles
#339 opened by frozn - 1
Context menu is not on cursor since update
#338 opened by ianv88 - 1
Error with WoW Tokens in the Blizzard Shop
#336 opened by pinkufairy - 1
- 3
Option to hide player class
#342 opened by prestr - 0
TipTac Reborn on Wago Addons
#344 opened by Nnoggie - 1
- 2
Position of Level etc and Guild
#327 opened by Teax20 - 6
TooltipUtil.SurfaceArgs appears to have vanished
#330 opened by WanderingFox - 1
- 2
Request: Option to "Hide Experience/Reputation Bar"
#324 opened by F-Lambda - 1
- 1
lua error when opening mounts menu, pulling out random mount button and hovering over it
#322 opened by Addonman - 2
Please update addon for WOW ver 11.0.2 thanks
#334 opened by z78929999 - 2
Lua error TipTacItemRef
#333 opened by Sayangjoy - 2
- 3
#331 opened by Faulkal - 1
- 2
- 0
ACE3 user profiles
#328 opened by Jahfry - 1
- 2
- 2
- 3
Lua Error Mousing Over Quest Currency Reward
#321 opened by Rebel-Kat - 2
[Request] Add tiling toggle for background texture
#317 opened by Amanthuul - 4
Bartender4 Related Issue
#314 opened by Spiderkeg - 1
[Classic (SoD)] SpellID always show 0
#316 opened by Amanthuul - 4
- 2
Minimap icon shows up after a /reload
#311 opened by MaximusPM - 2
ttItemRef.lua:800: attempt to call global 'GetSpellBookItemInfo' (a nil value)
#310 opened by Ookami313 - 3
- 1
Guildname is missing the realmname
#312 opened by tasimi