Pokedex App with React Native


Dummy Login and Register

Login Register
Pokedex - Login Pokedex - Register

Display list of pokemon with infinite scrolling

Pokedex - Infinite Scroll

Display pokemon details

Pokedex - Pokemon Details

Catch random pokemon

Pokedex - new catch

Display latest tweet from Pokemon twitter account

Pokedex - Pokemon Twitter Timeline

How to run

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install the dependencies with npm install
  3. Run the project with npm run android
  4. Login with these existing account or you could register a new one
Email Password
farras@email.com 123123
anya@email.com 321321

Tech stack

  • React Native
  • Expo
  • React Navigation
  • React Navigation Shared Element
  • React Native Animatable



Design Inspiration