
Amazon DynamoDB output plugin for Fluent event collector

Primary LanguageRuby

Amazon DynamoDB output plugin for Fluent event collector


$ fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-dynamodb



First of all, you need to create a table in DynamoDB. It's easy to create via Management Console.

Specify table name, hash attribute name and throughput as you like. fluent-plugin-dynamodb will load your table schema and write event-stream out to your table.

currently supports only table with a primary key which has a string hash-key. (hash and range key is not supported.)


<match dynamodb.**>
  type dynamodb
  aws_key_id AWS_ACCESS_KEY
  proxy_uri http://user:password@
  dynamo_db_endpoint dynamodb.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com
  dynamo_db_table access_log
  • aws_key_id (required) - AWS access key id.
  • aws_sec_key (required) - AWS secret key.
  • proxy_uri (optional) - your proxy url.
  • dynamo_db_endpoint (required) - end point of dynamodb. see Regions and Endpoints
  • dynamo_db_table (required) - table name of dynamodb.


###retrieving data

fluent-plugin-dynamo will add time attribute and any other attributes of record automatically. For example if you read apache's access log via fluentd, structure of the table will have been like this.

id (Hash Key) time host path method referer code agent size
"a937f980-b304-11e1-bc96-c82a14fffef2" "2012-06-10T05:26:46Z" "" "/index.html" "GET" "-" "200" "Mozilla/5.0" "4286"
"a87fc51e-b308-11e1-ba0f-5855caf50759" "2012-06-10T05:28:23Z" "" "/sample.html" "GET" "-" "200" "Mozilla/5.0" "8933"

Item can be retrieved by the key, but fluent-plugin-dynamo using UUID as a primary key. There is no simple way to retrieve logs you want. By the way, you can write scan-filter with AWS SDK like this, but Hive on EMR is the best practice I think.

###multi-region redundancy

As you know fluentd has copy output plugin. So you can easily setup multi-region redundancy as follows.

<match dynamo.**>
  type copy
    type dynamodb
    aws_key_id AWS_ACCESS_KEY
    aws_sec_key AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
    dynamo_db_table test
    dynamo_db_endpoint dynamodb.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com
    type dynamodb
    aws_key_id AWS_ACCESS_KEY
    aws_sec_key AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
    dynamo_db_table test
    dynamo_db_endpoint dynamodb.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com


  • auto-create table
  • tag_mapped
  • Multiprocessing


CopyrightCopyright (c) 2012- Takashi Matsuno
LicenseApache License, Version 2.0