Go ELK Stack

Go ELK Stack


Simply, i designed, coded and implemented ELK stack in the project.

This project was developed by Go Language.


You can directly run server.go file to use program.

Two endpoints are defined to use, these are;

To write log to Elasticsearch via RabbitMQ

GET http://localhost:8000/writinglogtorabbitmq
To write log to Elasticsearch via Filebeat and log file

GET http://localhost:8000/writinglogtofile


You can run the project via command:

go run server.go

Run services

Every service on ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, RabbitMQ and Beats) needs a container, so on docker-compose.yml you can check every config.

You can dockerize the project via command:

docker-compose up -d

Watching Logs on Kibana


About me

I am Fırat Atmaca.

I have been working on software projects since 2013.

You can contact with me via Linkedin