
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

AlphaFold2 optimized on Intel Xeon CPU

Key words: Intel AlphaFold2, Intel-AlphaFold2, AlphaFold2 on CPU, AlphaFold2 on Xeon, AlphaFold2 inference on SPR AVX512 FP32 and AMX-BF16

This repository contains an inference pipeline of AlphaFold2 with a bona fide translation from Haiku/JAX (https://github.com/deepmind/alphafold) to PyTorch.

Declaration 1 Any publication that discloses findings arising from using this source code or the model parameters should cite the AlphaFold paper. Please also refer to the Supplementary Information for a detailed description of the method.

Declaration 2 The setup procedures were modified from the two repos: https://github.com/kalininalab/alphafold_non_docker https://github.com/deepmind/alphafold with only some exceptions. I will label the difference for highlight.

Declaration 3 This repo is independently implemented, and is different from a previously unofficial version (https://github.com/lucidrains/alphafold2). No one is better than the other, and the differences are in 3 points: (1) this repo is major in acceleration of inference, in compatible to weights released from DeepMind; (2) this repo delivers a reliable pipeline accelerated on Intel® Core/Xeon and Intel® Optane® PMem by Intel® oneAPI. (3) this repo places CPU as its primary computation resource for acceleration, which may not provide an optimal speed on GPU.

Primary solution for setup of intel-alphafold2 environment

  1. install anaconda;

      wget https://repo.anaconda.com/archive/Anaconda3-<version>-Linux-x86_64.sh
      bash Anaconda3-<version>-Linux-x86_64.sh
  2. create conda environment using a .yml file:

      conda env create -f conda_requirements.yml
      conda activate iaf2
  3. install oneAPI HPC Toolkit latest version:


  4. initialize oneAPI env:

      source <oneapi-root>/setvars.sh            # reactivate the conda environment of previous step after sourcing (conda activate iaf2)

    or directly source compiler and mkl

      source /opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/latest/env/vars.sh intel64
      source /opt/intel/oneapi/mkl/latest/env/vars.sh intel64

    Set library path if needed

    export LD_PRELOAD=/opt/intel/intelpython/python3.9/lib/libiomp5.so  
  5. update submodules

      git submodule update --init --recursive
  6. Build dependencies for preprocessing (Optimized hh-suite and hmmer):

    (GCC >= 9.4.0 and cmake is required) build AVX512-optimized hh-suite

      export IAF2_DIR=`pwd`
      git clone --recursive https://github.com/IntelLabs/hh-suite.git
      cd hh-suite
      mkdir build && cd build
      cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`pwd`/release -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="icc" -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE="-O3 -march=icelake-server" ..
      make -j 4 && make install
      ./release/bin/hhblits -h
      export PATH=`pwd`/release/bin:$PATH
      cd $IAF2_DIR

    build AVX512-optimized hmmer

      export IAF2_DIR=`pwd`
      git clone --recursive https://github.com/IntelLabs/hmmer.git
      source <intel-oneapi>/tbb/latest/env/vars.sh
      cd hmmer
      cd easel && make clean && autoconf && ./configure --prefix=`pwd` && cd ..
      autoconf && CC=icc CFLAGS="-O3 -march=icelake-server -fPIC" ./configure --prefix=`pwd`/release
      make -j 4 && make install
      ./release/bin/jackhmmer -h
      export PATH=`pwd`/release/bin:$PATH
      cd $IAF2_DIR
  7. build dependency for TPP optimization of AlphaFold2 [Global]Attention Modules:

    TPP-pytorch-extension implements efficient kernels for Xeon CPUs in C++ using the libxsmm library. If setup failed, AlphaFold2 will fall back to enable PyTorch JIT w/o PCL-extension.

    export IAF2_DIR=`pwd`
    git clone https://github.com/libxsmm/tpp-pytorch-extension
    cd tpp-pytorch-extension
    git submodule update --init
    python setup.py install
    python -c "from tpp_pytorch_extension.alphafold.Alpha_Attention import GatingAttentionOpti_forward"
  8. extract weights in the <root_home> directory

    mkdir weights && mkdir weights/extracted
    python extract_params.py --input <data-dir>/params/params_model_1.npz --output_dir ./weights/extracted/model_1
  9. Put your query sequence files in "<input-dir>" folder:

    all fasta sequences should be named as *.fa 1 sequence per each file, e.g. example.fa

     > example file
  10. run main scripts to test your env

run preprocess main script to do MSA and template search on 1st sample in $root_home/samples

  bash online_preproc_baremetal.sh <root_home> <data-dir> <input-dir> <output-dir>
  # please ensure your query sequence files *.fa are in <input-dir>

intermediates data can be seen under $output-dir//intermediates and $output-dir//msa

run model inference script to predict unrelaxed structures from MSA and template results

bash online_inference_baremetal.sh <conda_env_path> <root_home> <data-dir> <input-dir> <output-dir> <model_name>

unrelaxed data can be seen under $output-dir/

All steps are ended here for optimized AlphaFold2. The following lines are stock information of Original repo:

  1. Update is on schedule: AlphaFold with Multimers will be coming soon

Genetic databases

This step requires aria2c to be installed on your machine.

AlphaFold needs multiple genetic (sequence) databases to run:

We provide a script scripts/download_all_data.sh that can be used to download and set up all of these databases:

  • Default:

    scripts/download_all_data.sh <DOWNLOAD_DIR>

    will download the full databases.

  • With reduced_dbs:

    scripts/download_all_data.sh <DOWNLOAD_DIR> reduced_dbs

    will download a reduced version of the databases to be used with the reduced_dbs preset.

We don't provide exactly the versions used in CASP14 -- see the note on reproducibility. Some of the databases are mirrored for speed, see mirrored databases.

Note: The total download size for the full databases is around 415 GB and the total size when unzipped is 2.2 TB. Please make sure you have a large enough hard drive space, bandwidth and time to download. We recommend using an SSD for better genetic search performance.

This script will also download the model parameter files. Once the script has finished, you should have the following directory structure:

$DOWNLOAD_DIR/                             # Total: ~ 2.2 TB (download: 438 GB)
    bfd/                                   # ~ 1.7 TB (download: 271.6 GB)
        # 6 files.
    mgnify/                                # ~ 64 GB (download: 32.9 GB)
    params/                                # ~ 3.5 GB (download: 3.5 GB)
        # 5 CASP14 models,
        # 5 pTM models,
        # LICENSE,
        # = 11 files.
    pdb70/                                 # ~ 56 GB (download: 19.5 GB)
        # 9 files.
    pdb_mmcif/                             # ~ 206 GB (download: 46 GB)
            # About 180,000 .cif files.
    small_bfd/                             # ~ 17 GB (download: 9.6 GB)
    uniclust30/                            # ~ 86 GB (download: 24.9 GB)
            # 13 files.
    uniref90/                              # ~ 58 GB (download: 29.7 GB)

bfd/ is only downloaded if you download the full databasees, and small_bfd/ is only downloaded if you download the reduced databases.

Model parameters

While the AlphaFold code is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License, the AlphaFold parameters are made available for non-commercial use only under the terms of the CC BY-NC 4.0 license. Please see the Disclaimer below for more detail.

The AlphaFold parameters are available from https://storage.googleapis.com/alphafold/alphafold_params_2021-07-14.tar, and are downloaded as part of the scripts/download_all_data.sh script. This script will download parameters for:

  • 5 models which were used during CASP14, and were extensively validated for structure prediction quality (see Jumper et al. 2021, Suppl. Methods 1.12 for details).
  • 5 pTM models, which were fine-tuned to produce pTM (predicted TM-score) and predicted aligned error values alongside their structure predictions (see Jumper et al. 2021, Suppl. Methods 1.9.7 for details).

Running AlphaFold

Recommended server configuration

  1. CPU: 2-sockets, Intel® Xeon® Scalable Performance Processor (61xx, 81xx, 62xx, 82xx, 92xx, 63xx, 83xx, etc.)
  2. Memory: DRAM >192GB, or Intel® Optane® Persistent Memory (PMem) for higher Memory (e.g. 6TB/socket)
  3. Disk: Intel® Optane® SSD

We need to extract the original model parameters into directory tree, so that PyTorch version of Alphafold2 can easily load params w/o mistakes. Please use extract_params.py to execute such convertion.

  1. Create new repository for extracted weights

    mkdir <root_home>/weights
  2. Locate the original model params, which is set as option --input of script extract_params.py

    such source parameter file can be like this: params/params_model_1.npz or params/params_model_2.npz

  3. Define output directory as--output_dir the script extract_params.py will extract original .npz file into a directory tree at --output_dir

    for model_1, it can be like this: <root_home>/weights/model_1

  4. Execute:

    python extract_params.py --input <input-npz-file> --output_dir <root_home>/weights/model_1
  5. Notice that, <root_home>/weights/model_1 contains a folder tree, and its root is alphafold

  6. Edit numa_n_preproc.sh to define inputs to preprocessing pipeline of AlphaFold2

    input_dir=<path-to-fasta-files> # e.g. sample.fasta is contained in data/folder1/, then put data/folder1/ here
    out_dir=<path-to-output-data> # this destination folder will contain data files alphafold2 generates
    data_dir=<root-of-alphafold-genetic-databases> # the parent folder that contains params/, bfd/, etc.
    log_dir=~/logs # the parent folder of standard outputs for each preprocessing pipeline
    prefix="mmcif_6yke-" # your input sample prefix
    suffix=".fa" # fasta file suffix
    n_sample=$1 # index of input fasta
    n_core=28 # physical cores of your CPU (total number of 1-socket CPU)
    n_socket=2 # number of CPU sockets
    script="python run_preprocess.py"
    for i in `seq 0 ${n_sample_0}`; do
      echo preprocessing ${input_dir}/${f} on core $lo to $hi of socket $m
    	numactl -C $lo-$hi -m $m $script \
    	  --n_cpu $ncpu \
    		--fasta_paths ${input_dir}/${f} \
    		--output_dir ${out_dir} \
    		--bfd_database_path=${data_dir}/bfd/bfd_metaclust_clu_complete_id30_c90_final_seq.sorted_opt \
    		--model_names=model_1 \
    		--uniclust30_database_path=${data_dir}/uniclust30/uniclust30_2018_08/uniclust30_2018_08 \
    		--uniref90_database_path=${data_dir}/uniref90/uniref90.fasta \
    		--mgnify_database_path=${data_dir}/mgnify/mgy_clusters.fa \
    		--pdb70_database_path=${data_dir}/pdb70/pdb70 \
    		--template_mmcif_dir=${data_dir}/pdb_mmcif/mmcif_files \
    		--data_dir=${data_dir} \
    		--max_template_date=2020-05-14 \
    		--obsolete_pdbs_path=${data_dir}/pdb_mmcif/obsolete.dat \
    		--hhblits_binary_path=`which hhblits` \
    		--hhsearch_binary_path=`which hhsearch` \
    		--jackhmmer_binary_path=`which jackhmmer` \
    		--kalign_binary_path=`which kalign` \
    		> ${log_dir}/${f}.txt 2>&1 &

    By default, pre-compiled dependencies will provide fast enough packages for preprocessing;

    But if we re-compile these programs from sources with the following GCC configurations, it will accelerate during preprocessing. Take ICX8358 as an example:

    -O2 -O3 -no-prec-div -march=icelake-server

    This option will take advantage of high bandwidth on an AVX512-enabled CPU.

    This preprocess will generate two data files as input for model inference:

    features.npz, processed_features.npz

  7. Edit af2pth.sh to launch the model inference the parameters are similar to step 6, with the following exceptions:

    input_dir=<path-to-samples> # root path containing fasta files
    out_dir=<path-to-samples> # [real i/o path for model infer] containing intermediates/ subfolder (which includes 2 npz files)
    data_dir=<root-of-alphafold-genetic-databases> # the parent folder that contains params/, bfd/, etc.
    log_dir=~/logs # the parent folder of standard outputs for each preprocessing pipeline
    n_sample=56 # no use
    root_params=~/weights/${model_name} # extracted weights preprocessed by extract_params.py
    for i in 0; do
      echo modelinfer ${input_dir}/${f}
    	python $script \
    	  --n_cpu 16 \
    		--fasta_paths ${input_dir}/${f} \
    		--output_dir ${out_dir} \
    		--bfd_database_path=${data_dir}/bfd/bfd_metaclust_clu_complete_id30_c90_final_seq.sorted_opt \
    		--model_names=${model_name} \
    		--root_params=${root_params} \
    		--uniclust30_database_path=${data_dir}/uniclust30/uniclust30_2018_08/uniclust30_2018_08 \
    		--uniref90_database_path=${data_dir}/uniref90/uniref90.fasta \
    		--mgnify_database_path=${data_dir}/mgnify/mgy_clusters.fa \
    		--pdb70_database_path=${data_dir}/pdb70/pdb70 \
    		--template_mmcif_dir=${data_dir}/pdb_mmcif/mmcif_files \
    		--data_dir=${data_dir} \
    		--max_template_date=2020-05-14 \
    		--obsolete_pdbs_path=${data_dir}/pdb_mmcif/obsolete.dat \
    		--hhblits_binary_path=`which hhblits` \
    		--hhsearch_binary_path=`which hhsearch` \
    		--jackhmmer_binary_path=`which jackhmmer` \
    		--kalign_binary_path=`which kalign` \
    		#> ${log_dir}/${f}_${model_name}.txt

AlphaFold output

The outputs will be in a subfolder of output_dir in run_docker.py. They include the computed MSAs, unrelaxed structures, relaxed structures, ranked structures, raw model outputs, prediction metadata, and section timings. The output_dir directory will have the following structure:


The contents of each output file are as follows:

  • features.pkl – A pickle file containing the input feature NumPy arrays used by the models to produce the structures.

  • unrelaxed_model_*.pdb – A PDB format text file containing the predicted structure, exactly as outputted by the model.

  • relaxed_model_*.pdb – A PDB format text file containing the predicted structure, after performing an Amber relaxation procedure on the unrelaxed structure prediction (see Jumper et al. 2021, Suppl. Methods 1.8.6 for details).

  • ranked_*.pdb – A PDB format text file containing the relaxed predicted structures, after reordering by model confidence. Here ranked_0.pdb should contain the prediction with the highest confidence, and ranked_4.pdb the prediction with the lowest confidence. To rank model confidence, we use predicted LDDT (pLDDT) scores (see Jumper et al. 2021, Suppl. Methods 1.9.6 for details).

  • ranking_debug.json – A JSON format text file containing the pLDDT values used to perform the model ranking, and a mapping back to the original model names.

  • timings.json – A JSON format text file containing the times taken to run each section of the AlphaFold pipeline.

  • msas/ - A directory containing the files describing the various genetic tool hits that were used to construct the input MSA.

  • result_model_*.pkl – A pickle file containing a nested dictionary of the various NumPy arrays directly produced by the model. In addition to the output of the structure module, this includes auxiliary outputs such as:

    • Distograms (distogram/logits contains a NumPy array of shape [N_res, N_res, N_bins] and distogram/bin_edges contains the definition of the bins).
    • Per-residue pLDDT scores (plddt contains a NumPy array of shape [N_res] with the range of possible values from 0 to 100, where 100 means most confident). This can serve to identify sequence regions predicted with high confidence or as an overall per-target confidence score when averaged across residues.
    • Present only if using pTM models: predicted TM-score (ptm field contains a scalar). As a predictor of a global superposition metric, this score is designed to also assess whether the model is confident in the overall domain packing.
    • Present only if using pTM models: predicted pairwise aligned errors (predicted_aligned_error contains a NumPy array of shape [N_res, N_res] with the range of possible values from 0 to max_predicted_aligned_error, where 0 means most confident). This can serve for a visualisation of domain packing confidence within the structure.

The pLDDT confidence measure is stored in the B-factor field of the output PDB files (although unlike a B-factor, higher pLDDT is better, so care must be taken when using for tasks such as molecular replacement).

This code has been tested to match mean top-1 accuracy on a CASP14 test set with pLDDT ranking over 5 model predictions (some CASP targets were run with earlier versions of AlphaFold and some had manual interventions; see our forthcoming publication for details). Some targets such as T1064 may also have high individual run variance over random seeds.

Citing this work

If you use the code or data in this package, please cite:

  author  = {Jumper, John and Evans, Richard and Pritzel, Alexander and Green, Tim and Figurnov, Michael and Ronneberger, Olaf and Tunyasuvunakool, Kathryn and Bates, Russ and {\v{Z}}{\'\i}dek, Augustin and Potapenko, Anna and Bridgland, Alex and Meyer, Clemens and Kohl, Simon A A and Ballard, Andrew J and Cowie, Andrew and Romera-Paredes, Bernardino and Nikolov, Stanislav and Jain, Rishub and Adler, Jonas and Back, Trevor and Petersen, Stig and Reiman, David and Clancy, Ellen and Zielinski, Michal and Steinegger, Martin and Pacholska, Michalina and Berghammer, Tamas and Bodenstein, Sebastian and Silver, David and Vinyals, Oriol and Senior, Andrew W and Kavukcuoglu, Koray and Kohli, Pushmeet and Hassabis, Demis},
  journal = {Nature},
  title   = {Highly accurate protein structure prediction with {AlphaFold}},
  year    = {2021},
  doi     = {10.1038/s41586-021-03819-2},
  note    = {(Accelerated article preview)},

Community contributions

Colab notebooks provided by the community (please note that these notebooks may vary from our full AlphaFold system and we did not validate their accuracy):


AlphaFold communicates with and/or references the following separate libraries and packages:

We thank all their contributors and maintainers!

License and Disclaimer

This is not an officially supported Google product.

Copyright 2021 DeepMind Technologies Limited.

AlphaFold Code License

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Model Parameters License

The AlphaFold parameters are made available for non-commercial use only, under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license. You can find details at: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/legalcode

Third-party software

Use of the third-party software, libraries or code referred to in the Acknowledgements section above may be governed by separate terms and conditions or license provisions. Your use of the third-party software, libraries or code is subject to any such terms and you should check that you can comply with any applicable restrictions or terms and conditions before use.

Mirrored Databases

The following databases have been mirrored by DeepMind, and are available with reference to the following: