
SwiftUI App to present iOS 13 dynamic colors in light and dark mode

Primary LanguageSwift


SwiftUI App to present iOS 13 dynamic colors in light and dark mode


While looking up documentation on how to implement Dark Mode for one of my apps I realized that the nice color overviews were missing for some dynamic colors (last section [https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/ios/visual-design/color/#dynamic-system-colors]). I thought it would be nice to try out SwiftUI to display all the different colors in light/dark mode. Initially, I also wanted to add a toggle to switch between high/standard contrast but it turns out that the ColorSchemeContrast is a readonly EnvironmentValue.


It seems like SwiftUI doesn't have access to some UIKit colors (sections System Grays and Dynamic Colors) but comes with three colors on its own. Primary seems to be the same as UIColor.label while Secondary doesn't seem to have a matching UIKit color. Accent is the same in light and dark mode but since accentColor is also writable in the Environment it might be intended for customization.

The purpose of ColorItemWrapper is to observe changes to the color scheme environment value and push those changes into the ColorItem. I couldn't find a way to make this work without the wrapper.


Screenshot of simulator