

We will start the entire project using the command make up in the terminal within the folder where the Makefile is located (in our case, in the nette-doctrine-shop-20 folder).

It is necessary to have the ports 80, 8080, and 3306 available (if they are not available, they need to be released or adjusted as needed in the docker-compose.yml file).

If everything goes well, the following output will be displayed in the terminal:

make up
docker-compose up -d --build --force-recreate --remove-orphans
Building php
Recreating nette-doctrine-shop-20_db_1 ... done
Recreating nette-doctrine-shop-20_adminer_1 ... done
Recreating nette-doctrine-shop-20_php_1     ... done
Recreating nette-doctrine-shop-20_web_1     ... done
@stats:{cmd:"make up" sys:0.31s usr:1.93s cpu:19% wall:11.638s mem:43k}

If an error occurs, it is necessary to identify the cause and resolve it.

The web server is accessible at http://localhost:80. Adminer is accessible at http://localhost:8080. The login credentials for Adminer are:

  • System: MySQL
  • Server: db
  • Username: root
  • Password: toor
  • Database: mydb

Using docker exec -it --user www-data nette-doctrine-shop-20_php_1 bash, we can enter the container to run additional commands.