Ctrl+F fullscreen mode F1-F8 menu switching
Setting are in file nastaveni.ini
Logging to file: Debug logs are stored in E:/LogFile.log, if the file exists.
Program can be launched with parameter to change settings location.
--config FILEPATH parameter
- hlavni.svg update
- new function MainWindow::on_spinBox_frontSignWidth_valueChanged
- the LED displays scale can be manually changed
- VDV301DataStructures
- added arrivalTime
- VehicleState cleanup
- VDV301publisher
- 2_3 removed ZoneChange from AllData to comply with the original VDV301 XSD
- VDV301DataStructures
- VDV301publisher
- examples added
- VDV301subscriber
- examples added
- VDV301publisher
- added icon
- VDV301publisher
- escape > fixed
- nastaveni.ini renamed to settings.ini
- deviceManagementService1_0 renamed to deviceManagementService
- VDV301publisher
- merge 2.3 display content fix, mVersion
- globalVersion renamed to mVersion
- MainWindow::updateMainScreenDebugLabels
- now contains all actions to update labels on the debug bar on the main screen
- MainWindow::eraseDisplayedInformation()
- display version screen fixed
- VDV301subscriber
- correct subscribe request address when multiple network interfaces are used
- VDV301subscriber
- new settings window, saving selected options to settings file
- new functions
- constantsToSettingsPage
- settingsWindowToSettingsFile
- deviceManagementServiceInternalVariablesToSettingFile
- slot slotParametryZarizeniDoConfigu renamed to slotDeviceParametersToConfigFile
- content of DeviceId changes automatically after receiving setId request
- new functions
- ui language change in one click
- menu ui elements rename
- new settings window, saving selected options to settings file
- VDV301DataStructures
- Vdv301Trip added
- default value for vehicleState fixed
- VDV301publisher
- 2.3 out of service fix
- VDV301subscriber
- deviceManagementService v2.2 subscriber
- VDV301DataStructures
- VDV301DataStructures
- Vdv301 specific structures (required by XmlPArser)
- VDV301publisher
- displayContent destination viaPoints
- device status changeable
- unsubscribe response false
- LabelVykreslovani
- viapoint now don't stop scrolling again on every new message if the content of scrolling viapoints is the same
- MainWindow
- QFontDatabase now uses static functions (older approach is now depracated in Qt6)
- stopButton state reading and display
- radiobuttons to set device state (running, warning, defective etc.)
- Connections list in debug menu
- VDV301DataStructures
- VDV301subscriber
- unsubscription fix
- HTTP status check
- VDV301publisher
- unsubscription fix
- VDV301subscriber
- VDV301subscriber
- now reacts to successful/unsuccessful Unsubscription
- QUIT button now performs Unsubscription and closes application only if Unsubscription is successful
- VDV301subscriber
- translations
- added option to change UI language in nastaveni.ini
- added translation files in resources
- default language in MainWindow editor is now English
- InlineFormatParser::vyparsujText renamed to InlineFormatParser::parseTextLcd
- InlineFormatParser::vyparsujTextLed renamed to InlineFormatParser::parseTextLed
- XmlParser
- added import of scheduledDepartureTime to connections
- UI
- added list of downloaded connections
- translations
- VDV301publisher
- cancel subscription
- VDV301subscriber
- cancel subscription
- setPortNumber fix
- InlineFormatParser
- parser for LED screens
- added unsubscribe button
- VDV301publisher
- VDV301publisher
- 2.4 functions renamed to 2.3
- VDV301subscriber
- 2.4 functions renamed to 2.3
- fix of DNS-SD service name update (leading to unsuccessful subscription)
- new Out of Service screen
- display system status when not on line
- default config nastaveni.ini
- added available options to select CIS version
- VDV301publisher
- VDV301publisher
- new version
- VDV301subscriber
- mServiceName fix
- fixed default color of line to black on white background
- parsing of 1.0 FareZones
- VDV301publisher
- VDV301publisher
- GetDeviceConfiguration fix
- partial translation of main classes to english
- VDV301publisher
- VDV301subscriber
- translated to english
- empty IP fix
- using QZeroConf::serviceUpdated
- VDV301publisher
- translated to english
- VDV301DataStructures
- translated to english
- XmlParser
- removal of unused functions parameters
- partial translation of other classes
- VDV301subscriber
- change of configuration by launching the program from console using --config FILEPATH parameter
- deleted function LabelVykreslovani::zpracujIconNew
- last version with source code in Czech
- new class to handle line coloring
- new class to parse in-line formating (icon and color tags)
- new version
- new version
- fix subscribe version
- new function XmlParser::VytvorSeznamZastavek2_4
copy-to-program folder
modification of start sequence
- MainWindow::inicializaceKlavesovychZkratek()
- MainWindow::inicializaceFontu()
- check of supported VDV301version
deletion of publishers table when the subscription is inactive
implementation of inline formatting to destination, line and following stops
fix of bus stop advancing with stop index change
removal of excessive font folder
removal of excessive SVG files
- změna vystému vykreslení zastávek na hlavní obrazovce
- kontrolní seznam zastávek na záložce F5 časovač
- výpis právě odebírané služby
- barvy odděleny do barvylinek.h
- po opravách lze zkompilovat s Qt 6.5.0
- přidána kompatibilita s VDV301 1.0
- volba verze CustomerInformationService přes nastaveni.ini
- automatické zvětšování virtuálních LED panelů