GemsJax 2.0 

This repository conatins two projects:
- GemsJaxClient (Eclipse GWT Web Application Project)
- GemsJaxServer (Eclipse Java Project)

We recomment to create a new Eclipse workspace to work with this repository.

Follow this steps:

1. Create a new and empty Eclipse Workspace

2. Install git (if not installed yet) and configure git (see )

3. Add github as new remote with this command:
   git remote add origin

4. Go in your new created Eclipse Workspace and do the following git commands:

   4.1 Initialize a new local git repository with this command:
       git init

   4.2 Get the current repository content to your local repository with this command:
       git pull origin master

5. Now your new Eclipse workspace folder contains the two projects (GemsJaxClient, GemsJaxServer, see above)