RISE Indy7 Neuromeka ROS Manipulation Package

© 2020, Francisco Yumbla

1. How to Install

1.1. System Requirements

This package is written an tested on Ubuntu 18.04 + ROS Melodic environment. Dependencies are also for this environment.

Note: the same package can work in Ubuntu 16.04 + ROS Kinetic

1.2. Dependencies Prerequisites

There are a number of dependencies in this package, since the ABB robot is operated by ROS-Industrial package. Please install all the packages listed below in your Ubuntu PC, in the given order. These packages can be installed by apt package manager.

  • ros-melodic-desktop-full
  • ros-melodic-industrial-core
  • ros-melodic-industrial-msgs
  • ros-melodic-industrial-robot-client
  • ros-melodic-industrial-robot-simulator
  • ros-melodic-industrial-utils
  • ros-melodic-abb
  • ros-melodic-moveit
  • ros-melodic-joint-trajectory-controller
  • ros-melodic-joint-state-publisher-gui

Now,Extract the metapackage Indy7-Neuromeka into ${ros_workspace}/src. catkin_make your workspace.

WARNING: If you planing use grippers with this robot. You need copy the gripper package

2. Structure of Package

  • indy7_description: This package contains the URDF and XACRO files for a different configuration of the robot with grippers.
  • indy7_gazebo: This package contains the URDF and XACRO files for a different configuration of the robot with grippers.
  • indy7_master: This pasckage contains a diferrents examples of motion used MoveIt and the joystick&keyboard control of the real robot.
  • indy7_vrep: This package contains the communication with V-REP simulator including examples and scenes
  • indy7_configuration_moveit: This package contains the diferent MoveIt configuration of a different configuration of the robot

3. How to Use

3.1. Simulation

Open terminal and roscore and Enter.

3.1.1 Rviz Visualization

  1. Launch the robot visualization Rviz

    roslaunch indy7_description indy7_display.launch

    If you need see other configuration you can space and include conveyor:=true, gripper_2f:=true or gripper_3f:=true

    roslaunch indy7_description indy7_display.launch gripper_2f:=true
  2. Launch the robot with Moveit configuration

    roslaunch indy7_description indy7_moveit.launch robot:=true

    If you need see other configuration you can space and include conveyor:=true, gripper_2f:=true or gripper_3f:=true

    roslaunch indy7_description indy7_moveit.launch gripper_3f:=true

3.1.2 V-REP Simulation

  1. V-REP execution (Since simulation is performed with vrep remote api and PLAY, roscore must be executed first): Open the scene of the indy7_vrep/scenes folder

  2. Run the step 3.1.1 visualization Rviz or MoveIt

  3. Run the next node for the communication Vrep to ros

    rosrun indy7_vrep communication
  4. You can control with publish direct the Jointstates or generate other but you need change the subscribe in the vrep_control.cpp file

You can find a example to publish a new joint mesage:

To see the list of movement, type rosrun indy7_vrep program, introduce the number do you want to move 1 2 3 4 5 and Enter. This node publish the joints goals in the topic /joint_goals or the joints states in the topic /joint_states

3.1.2 Gazebo Simulation (in construction)

  1. Launch the robot in gazebo

    roslaunch indy7_moveit_gazebo.launch
  2. Run the next node for the communication ROS to Gazebo

    rosrun indy7_gazebo 

To see the list of movement, type rosrun bioloid_gp_master program, introduce the number do you want to move 1 2 3 and Enter. This node publishes the joints goals in the topic /joint_goals

3.2. Real Robot

The real robot work with the moveit_configuration package for precaution collision in our workspace or environment

Setup the Robot and turn on.

  1. Launch the robot

    roslaunch indy7_description real_robot.launch robot:=true

    If you need see other configuration you change robot:=true for gripper_2f:=true or gripper_3f:=true

    roslaunch indy7_description real_robot.launch gripper_2f:=true
  2. Example programs

    rosrun indy7_master example_joint

    rosrun indy7_master example_position

    rosrun indy7_master readpos