
convert files from gbk encoding to utf-8 or rename packages including java source codes and any type configuration files

Primary LanguageJava

converting files encoding in some path from GBK to UTF8

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how to run

for any platform

java -jar gbk2utf8-0.1.1-SNAPSHOT-all.jar $src-gbk-path $dst-utf8-path

for help, run java -jar gbk2utf8-0.1.1-SNAPSHOT-all.jar


a precompiled package is available at v0.1.1 Releases, you can go to this page and download it directly.

for Mac platform (64bit)

$ gbk2utf8        # converting from gbk2 to utf8
Usage: Gbk2Utf8 <src-gbk-path> <dst-utf8-path> [include-extension (default 'java')]
$ gbk2utf8 convert
Usage: Gbk2Utf8 <src-gbk-path> <dst-utf8-path> [include-extension (default 'java')]
$ gbk2utf8 pkgreanme   # package renaming
Usage: Gbk2Utf8 <src-gbk-path> <dst-utf8-path> [include-extension (default 'java')]
$ gbk2utf8 version


gbk2utf8-0.1.1.pkg will be installed in /usr/local/gbk2utf8 directory and a softlink /usr/local/bin/gbk2utf8 (linking to /usr/local/gbk2utf8/bin/gbk2utf8) will be created.

installing gbk2utf8-0.1.1.pkg

for Ubuntu platform (64bit)

  • download
wget  https://github.com/downgoon/gbk2utf8/releases/download/v0.1.1/gbk2utf8_0.1.1_armhf.deb
  • install
dpkg -i gbk2utf8_0.1.1_armhf.deb
  • run
$ gbk2utf8        # converting from gbk2 to utf8
Usage: Gbk2Utf8 <src-gbk-path> <dst-utf8-path> [include-extension (default 'java')]
$ gbk2utf8 convert
Usage: Gbk2Utf8 <src-gbk-path> <dst-utf8-path> [include-extension (default 'java')]
$ gbk2utf8 pkgreanme   # package renaming
Usage: Gbk2Utf8 <src-gbk-path> <dst-utf8-path> [include-extension (default 'java')]
$ gbk2utf8 version

how to build

git clone https://github.com/downgoon/gbk2utf8.git
cd gbk2utf8
mvn clean package
java -jar target/gbk2utf8-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-all.jar $src-gbk-path $dst-utf8-path	


  • recursive converting all necessary files in the specified path
  • encoding detective do nothing to files not encoded in GBK in specified path

how to package

see https://github.com/downgoon/pkgmaker

package rename (a new tool)

java -cp ./gbk2utf8-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-all.jar io.downgoon.tools.PackageRename $src-gbk-path $dst-utf8-path <src-path> <dst-path> <original-package-prefix> <alternative-package-prefix>


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