
Simple way to configure fresh installation of Sublime Text 3

Primary LanguageShell


Simple way to configure fresh installation of Sublime Text 3

Config includes:

  • Soda Theme
  • Packages for work with GIT, CoffeeScript, SASS, LESS, Slim and HAML
  • ChangeQuotes. Quick changing quotes with alt+shift+'.
  • AdvancedNewFile. Quick file creating with opt+cmd+n.
  • All Autocomplete. All open files are searched for autocompletion candidates.
  • alt+up and alt+down for jumping between empty lines (paragraphs)


  1. Get and Install Sublime Text 3 into /Applications folder.

  2. Paste that at a Terminal prompt:

curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/fs/sublime-bootstrap/master/bin/install | sh


Sublime Bootstrap is maintained by Nickolay Abdrafikov. It was written by Flatstack with the help of our contributors.