
WARNING This is work in progress and can change any time!


First install the the jar itself like this:

git clone
cd gradle-cascading-templates
gradle install

Copy the gradle init script template into your .gradle directory and change the path to point to this directory.

cp installation/init.gradle.example $HOME/.gradle/init.gradle
sed -i "s@CHECKOUTPATH@$PWD@" $HOME/.gradle/init.gradle


Now that the plugin is usable, you can create new cascading projects easily like this:

cd ~/code
gradle createCascadingProject
> Building > :createCascadingProject
??> Project Name: just-for-fun
??> Group: [just-for-fun]
??> Version: [1.0] 

Now you should have a directory called just-for-fun, that contains a cascading ready application. You can assemble a hadoop ready jar and run it:

cd just-for-fun
gradle jar
hadoop jar build/libs/just-for-fun-1.0.jar
> 13/07/23 17:51:58 INFO fun.Main: hello cascading