
Handle campsite reservations

Primary LanguageJava



Microservice intended to handle reservations


This project use MySQL for storing reservations


This project has a Postman Collection in file Campsite.postman_collection.json

Getting started


This application has been proven to work with:

  • Java version 17.0.4 or above
  • Maven version 3.8.6 or above
  • Docker version 20.10.8 or above


To generate Docker image of project you can use script build. This script is self-sufficient and does not require dependencies

bash build

Run from IDE

To run the project within your IDE, you'll need all dependencies running. For this you can use the script only-dependencies to start redis and mysql on Docker:

bash only-dependencies

You'll need this ports to be available:

  • 8080 for backend
  • 3306 for MySQL
  • 9736 for Redis

Run from Docker

To run the project as a self-sufficient unit you can use the script run to start the docker image, expose the application on http://localhost:8080 and start up all dependencies:

bash run

You'll need this ports to be available:

  • 8080 for backend
  • 3306 for MySQL
  • 9736 for Redis

Call Endpoints

The endpoints can be called using the following methods:

  • Import to Postman the collection under Campsite.postman_collection.json
  • Or some other http tool such as cUrl

Get Available Days

This endpoint will return the available days to arrive and departure given the optional range from-to

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/reservations/availability?from=2022-08-01&to=2022-09-30'

Query Params:

  • from [date, optional]: Starting date to check availability. Default value to today. Format ISO-8601 2022-01-31
  • to [date, optional]: Ending date to check availability. Default value to today plus 31 days. Format ISO-8601 2022-01-31

Create Reservation

This endpoint will create a reservation if all information is valid

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8080/reservations' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "arrival": "2022-08-19",
    "departure": "2022-08-20",
    "name": "Miss Rolando Langosh",
    "email": "Leilani_OConnell8@yahoo.com"

Body Params:

  • arrival [date, mandatory]: Date of arrival. Format ISO-8601 2022-01-31
  • departure [date, mandatory]: Date of departure. Format ISO-8601 2022-01-31
  • name [string, mandatory]: Reservation holder's name
  • email [string, mandatory]: Reservation holder's email

Modify Reservation

This endpoint will update a previously created reservation's arrival and departure

curl --location --request PUT 'http://localhost:8080/reservations/10' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "arrival": "2022-08-20",
    "departure": "2022-08-22"

Url Param:

  • reservationId [id, mandatory]: Reservation id to me modified

Body Params:

  • arrival [date, mandatory]: New date of arrival. Format ISO-8601 2022-01-31
  • departure [date, mandatory]: New date of departure. Format ISO-8601 2022-01-31

Cancel Reservation

This endpoint will cancel a previously created reservation

curl --location --request DELETE 'http://localhost:8080/reservations/3'

Url Param:

  • reservationId [id, mandatory]: Reservation id to me cancelled

Load Testing

The project has a jMeter project configured to perform load testing on Get Available Days and Create Reservation endpoints. To execute:

  1. Have Docker Image already built, if not, run bash build
  2. Have Docker Image and dependencies running, if not, run bash run
  3. Open jMeter
  4. Load into jMeter project src/main/resources/jMeterHttpLoadTest.jmx
  5. Start test in jMeter
  6. You can see al requests on Requests Log of each endpoint Thread Group, or
  7. You can see a summary of all executions in All Requests Sumary

This application has been proven to work with:

  • Java version 17.0.4
  • jMeter version 5.5