CocosLikeActions In Unity By C#

This is a group of simple 3d animations similar with cocos2dx actions ,you can build animation only in a few lines of code . Including action sequence,merge and ease.

Code Example

Simple Move

new MoveTo(new Vector3(0, 0, 10), 1.0f).Run(gameObj);

Sequence Actions

new Seq(new List<ActionBase>(){
    new MoveTo(new Vector3(0, 0, 10), 1.0f),
    new RotateTo(new Vector3(0, 90, 0), 0.5f)}).Run(gameObj);

Merge Actions

new Merge(new List<ActionBase>(){
    new MoveTo(new Vector3(0, 0, 10), 1.0f),
    new RotateTo(new Vector3(0, 90, 0), 0.5f)}).Run(gameObj);

Make Animation Smoothy By Using Ease Functions

new MoveTo(new Vector3(0, 0, 10), 1.0f).EaseInSine().Run(gameObj);

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