
Integration module offering a consistent, simple, and streamlined approach to interacting with the BigFix suite of products and APIs directly from within PowerShell.

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT


Integration module offering a consistent, simple, and streamlined approach to interacting with the BigFix suite of products and APIs directly from within PowerShell.

Getting Started

Working with the BigFix PowerShell module starts with importing it into your PowerShell session. This is accomplished via the Import-Module command.

Import-Module BigFix


Commands provided in this module are broken up into functional groups.

Web Reports Server

When working with the Web Reports Server SOAP API, you will need to define the Web Reports Servers you plan on interacting with. The following commands are used for this purpose.


Creates a new Web Reports Server object to use when calling New-WebReportsSession, and [optionally] both registers and sets it as the default Web Reports Server object.


-Uri Specifies a well-formed absolute URI to the Web Reports Server.

-Fqdn Specifies the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the Web Reports Server. This can be entered either as just the hostname, IP address, or the FQDN (preferred).

-Port Specifies the TCP port number of the Web Reports Server, if a non-standard (80/443) port is being used. -Ssl Switch specifing if SSL (HTTPS) is to be used when connecting to the Web Reports Server.

-NoPersist Switch specifing that the Web Reports Server object created not be persisted to the registry nor set as the default.


Create a new Web Reports Server object to the server 'webreports' over HTTPS, using URI nomenclature.

New-WebReportsServer -Uri 'https://webreports/'


Uri                 Wsdl
---                 ----
https://webreports/ https://webreports/?wsdl

Create a new Web Reports Server object to the server 'webreports' over HTTPS, using URI nomenclature, and requesting it be non-persisted.

New-WebReportsServer -Uri 'https://webreports/' -NoPersist


Uri                 Wsdl
---                 ----
https://webreports/ https://webreports/?wsdl

Create a new Web Reports Server object to the server 'webreports' over HTTP on the default HTTP port (80).

New-WebReportsServer -Fqdn 'webreports'


Uri                Wsdl
---                ----
http://webreports/ http://webreports/?wsdl

Create a new Web Reports Server object to the server 'webreports' over HTTPS on the non-standard TCP port (8443) and request it to be non-persisted.

New-WebReportsServer -Fqdn 'webreports' -Port 8443 -Ssl -NoPersist


Uri                      Wsdl
---                      ----
https://webreports:8443/ https://webreports:8443/?wsdl


Gets registered Web Reports Server objects. When called without parameters, a listing of all registered Web Reports Server objects will be returned. If a URI is provided, attempt to return the matching Web Reports Server object. If called with the -Default switch, the registered default Web Reports Server object will be returned (if found).


-Uri Specifies the well-formed absolute URI of the registered Web Reports Server object to return.

-Default Switch specifing that the default registered Web Reports Server object is to be returned.


Get a listing of all registered Web Reports Server objects.



Uri                 Wsdl
---                 ----
https://webreports/ https://webreports/?wsdl
http://webreports/  http://webreports/?wsdl

Get the registered Web Reports Server object matching the Web Reports Server URI 'https://webreports/'

Get-WebReportsServer -Uri 'https://webreports/'


Uri                 Wsdl
---                 ----
https://webreports/ https://webreports/?wsdl

Get the default registered Web Reports Server object.

Get-WebReportsServer -Default


Uri                Wsdl
---                ----
http://webreports/ http://webreports/?wsdl


Sets the default Web Reports Server object to use when calling New-WebReportsSession with the -Default switch. If the Web Reports Server object does not yet exist in the registry, then it will also be added.


-Server Specifies the Web Reports Server object (created using New-WebReportsServer or returned from Get-WebReportsServer) to set as default. -Uri Specifies a well-formed absolute URI to the Web Reports Server to be set as the default. A new Web Reports Server object will be registered if one is not already found matching the URI.


Sets the default Web Reports Session object to the Web Reports Server defined in the $MyServer variable.

$MyServer = New-WebReportsServer -Uri 'https://webreports/'

Set-WebReportsServer -Server $MyServer


Uri                 Wsdl
---                 ----
https://webreports/ https://webreports/?wsdl

Sets the default Web Reports Server object to the server 'webreports' over HTTPS, creating and registering a new object if a matching one does not already exist.

Set-WebReportsServer -Uri 'https://webreports/'


Uri                 Wsdl
---                 ----
https://webreports/ https://webreports/?wsdl

Web Reports Session

In addition to defining the Web Reports Server(s) you wish to interact with, you will need to establish a Web Reports Session to that server. The session is the heart of all the SOAP API helper commands as it is the communications channge over which all interactions with the SOAP API are performed.

Each Web Reports Session is self-contained allowing you to create multiple sessions to either a single Web Reports Server (i.e. session 1 uses account 'test' and session 2 uses account 'api'), or to a totally different Web Reports Server (i.e. consolidating data from multiple BigFix installations).


Creates a new Web Reports Session object exposing the BigFix Web Reports SOAP API. This session object is used by the other cmdlets in this module.


-Default Use the default Web Reports Server previouslly defined to establish the session with. The default Web Reports Server is the last one created using New-WebReportsServer or Set-WebReportsServer. Get-WebReportsServer -Default will return the current default.

-Server Specifies the Web Reports Server object (created using New-WebReportsServer or returned from Get-WebReportsServer) to establish the session with.

-Uri Specifies a well-formed absolute URI to the Web Reports Server to establish the session with. A new Web Reports Server object will be registered if one is not already found matching the URI.

-Credential Specifies the Web Reports account either as "myuser", "domain\myusern", or a PSCredential object. Omitting or providing a $null or [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty will prompt the caller.


Create a Web Reports Session object to the default Web Reports Server, prompting for credentails.

New-WebReportsSession -Default


Windows PowerShell credential request.
Please enter credentials for Web Reports Server 'https://webreports/'
User: TestUser
Password for user TestUser: ********

Server              State     Credential
------              -----     ----------
https://webreports/ Connected TestUser

Create a Web Reports Session object to the Web Reports Server defined in the $MyServer variable, prompting for credentails.

$MyServer = New-WebReportsServer -Uri 'http://webreports/'

New-WebReportsSession -Server $MyServer


Windows PowerShell credential request.
Please enter credentials for Web Reports Server 'http://webreports/'
User: TestUser
Password for user TestUser: ********

Server             State     Credential
------             -----     ----------
http://webreports/ Connected TestUser

Create a Web Reports Session object to the server 'webreports' over HTTPS, using the [PSCredentail] credential object in the variable $credential.

$credential = Get-Credential

New-WebReportsSession -Uri 'https://webreports/' -Credential $credential


cmdlet Get-Credential at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
User: TestUser
Password for user TestUser: ********

Server              State     Credential
------              -----     ----------
https://webreports/ Connected TestUser


Gets the Web Reports Session created during the last call to New-WebReportsSession.




Server              State     Credential
------              -----     ----------
https://webreports/ Connected TestUser


Evaluates Session Relevance statements on the established Web Reports Session, parsing results into a more PowerShell-friendly format. Relevance Statements can be provided via the -Relevance parameter or the pipeline. Results are returned only after all Relevance Statements have completed.

This function is also exposed directly on the Web Reports Session object as 'evaluate' which you can call. This object-based shortcut allows you to always ensure you are evaluating using an expected Web Reports Session.


-Relevance Specifies the Session Relevance statement to evaluate on the Web Reports Session.

-Session Specifies the Web Reports Session to evaluate the relevance on. If not provided, will attempt to use the last Web Reports Session created via New-WebReportsSession.

-FieldNames Specifies a listing of field names to translate the evaluation tuple results into.


Evaluate the Session Relevance statement 'number of bes computers'.

Invoke-EvaluateSessionRelevance -Relevance 'number of bes computers'


Relevance               Status  Execution Time   Evaluation Time Result Count Result
---------               ------  --------------   --------------- ------------ ------
number of bes computers Success 00:00:00.3917915 00:00:00        1            4

Evaluate the Session Relevance statement '(id of it, last report time of it) of bes computers', parsing results into objects with the field names 'Id' and 'LastReportTime'.

Invoke-EvaluateSessionRelevance -Relevance '(id of it, last report time of it) of bes computers' -FieldNames @('Id', 'LastReportTime')

Invoke-EvaluateSessionRelevance -Relevance '(id of it, last report time of it) of bes computers' -FieldNames @('Id', 'LastReportTime') | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Results


Relevance                                           Status  Execution Time   Evaluation Time Result Count Result
---------                                           ------  --------------   --------------- ------------ ------
(id of it, last report time of it) of bes computers Success 00:00:00.1223545 00:00:00        4            {@{Id=1036828; Last...

        Id LastReportTime
        -- --------------
   1036828 3/19/2019 4:44:00 PM
 551884969 3/19/2019 4:45:28 PM
1614275947 3/19/2019 4:53:41 PM
1625012524 3/19/2019 4:38:53 PM