An implementation of MIND

Primary LanguagePython


An implementation of MIND

The key Modules


The CopulaBatchGenerator class generates batches of copula samples for training a maximum-entropy copula model. It ensures that the generated samples are diverse and representative of the underlying copula structure in the input data. The class is designed to be used as a data generator during the training process.


The CopulaLearner class encapsulates the logic for training a maximum-entropy copula model. It handles the setup of the copula model, optimizer, loss function, and training process. By calling the fit method with input data, the user can train the copula model efficiently, with the flexibility to specify various training parameters. The class is designed to provide a convenient interface for training copula models for specific datasets.

The Mutual Information Objective

  • Objective Function: The MINDLoss class implements a custom loss function that calculates the mutual information between two random variables using the copula representation. The loss function is defined as:

    $$\text{MIND Loss} = -E_P(T(x, y)^T\theta) + \log E_Q(e^{T(x, y)^T\theta})$$


    • $T(x, y)$ represents copula samples generated from the copula model.
    • $\theta$ represents parameters of the copula model.
    • $E_P$ and $E_Q$ represent expectations under distributions $P$ and $Q$, respectively.
  • Usage in CopulaLearner:

    • The MINDLoss class is utilized in the CopulaLearner during the compilation of the copula model. When the copula model is compiled, the MINDLoss instance is set as the loss function. This means that during training, the copula model aims to minimize the mutual information calculated by the MINDLoss function.

CopulaLearner Class:

  • Initialization and Compilation:

    • In the CopulaLearner class, an instance of the MINDLoss class is created and set as the loss function for the copula model during the initialization.
    • The copula model is compiled using the Adam optimizer and the MINDLoss as the loss function.
  • Training Process:

    • During training (when the fit method of CopulaLearner is called), the copula model learns to minimize the mutual information calculated by the MINDLoss class. The copula samples generated during the training process are used to compute the mutual information, and the model's parameters are adjusted to minimize this value.
    • The copula model learns to capture the dependencies between variables in the dataset in such a way that the mutual information, as calculated by the MINDLoss, is minimized. This leads to the copula model effectively capturing the underlying relationships in the data.

In summary, the MINDLoss class provides the specific loss function that quantifies the mutual information in the copula model. The CopulaLearner class utilizes this loss function during the training process to guide the copula model's parameter updates, ensuring that the model learns to represent the dependencies in the data as captured by the MINDLoss. The combination of these two classes enables the effective training of a copula model for capturing the complex relationships in the given dataset.