
Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, we wanted to democratize the use of this medium as a way to allow everyone access to unlock their artistic potential. Its a medium that offers infinite possibilities of visualizing your imagination and artistic sensibilities.

What it does

By using a machine-learning model called Stable Diffusion (developed by StabilityAI), we're able to generate digital images based on natural language descriptions. This machine-learning model was trained on a subset of the LAION-Aesthetics V2 dataset, using 256 Nvidia A100 GPUs at a cost of $600,000.

How we built it

By leveraging the open-source code of Stable Diffusion, which just became available August 22nd 2022, we are the first application to incorporate this technology creating a single-page web application using React.js, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, TailwindCSS, Cloudinary, Heroku and Netlify.

Challenges we ran into

-Capturing the data generated by Stable Diffusion and mapping it to the creators in the database. -Rendering the image generated on the web browser. -Adopting the Python open-source code to Node.js. -Deciding the specific tech stack we used to realize the application in a limited amount of time. -Finding a technology to store the AI-generated art in Heroku's internal storage (AWS S3).

Accomplishments that we're proud of

-Proud to create the first ever browser-based web application that allows anyone to create art using Stable Diffusion and see other creators' work. -The more abstract or specific the prompt, the more interesting the generated image.

What we learned

New technology! As well as learning to work together with a team of four developers. Delegating tasks and creating a schedule for working cohesively. Realizing each individuals strengths and harnessing those to our success.

What's next for

We'd love to add more functionality to manage the state of the art. Adding more parameters for the Stable Diffusion model, a more robust user experience and the ability to share your art through social media. Finally, the ability to interact, comment and share other creator's art directly on our web app to create and foster an everlasting community.

Questions? Contact us:

Vadim Loparevich: Fernando Salcedo: Julian Rivera: Lucas Perez: