sdl-p2p is a peer-to-peer library for SDL. Events are broadcast between peers transparently.


$ chmod +x main.c
$ ./


  • void p2p_init (uint8_t me, int port)
    • A peer needs a unique identifier and a listening port.
  • void p2p_link (char* host, int port, uint8_t me)
    • A two-way link must be explicitly created from one of the ends.
  • void p2p_bcast (p2p_evt* evt)
    • A peer can broadcast events, which are automatically received by other peers (including itself).
  • int p2p_step (p2p_evt* evt)
    • A peer must step to check the network, which returns broadcast events.
  • void p2p_quit (void)

An event has the following structure:

typedef struct {
    uint8_t id;         // user-defined identifier
    uint8_t n;          // number of ints in the payload
    union {
        int i1;             // 1-int payload
        struct {
            int _1,_2;
        } i2;               // 2-int payload
        struct {
            int _1,_2,_3;
        } i3;               // 3-int payload
        struct {
            int _1,_2,_3,_4;
        } i4;               // 4-int payload
    } pay;
} p2p_evt;