
Pandoc-ModernCV uses Pandoc facilities to allow you to write curriculums vitae in markdown. Inspired by the well known Latex ModernCV, it is fairly customizable, allowing you to use predefined themes and to define your own style by changing colors, fonts, etc.


  • Write your CV in markdown
  • Choose between themes
  • Customize your style
  • Export to HTML5
    • responsive layout (mobile, tablet, desktop)
    • print layout
  • Export to PDF
    • A4 format ready
    • PDF tags (title, author, etc.)
  • Publish public & private CV

Requirements & Installation

For building your CV in html you need:

  • Compass (>= 1.0) gem install compass
  • Susy (>= 2.2) gem install susy
  • Pandoc (>= 1.13) sudo dnf install pandoc
  • RSync

For exporting to pdf, you need:

  • exiftool (>= 11.70) sudo dnf install perl-Image-ExifTool
  • wkhtmltopdf (>= 0.12.5) sudo dnf install wkhtmltopdf

Getting Started

The simplest way to get started with pandoc-moderncv is to use the provided scaffold. In a terminal just do:

$ make scaffold
$ make html

It creates a scaffold cv located in the /cv directory and builds an html version of it. Use your favorite broser to open the generate cv, for instance:

$ firefox dist/cv.html

To export the CV to pdf just do:

$ make pdf


Your CV can be customized with metadata. Metadata are located between two --- separators at the top of the file and are formated using the YAML format:

lang: en
title: Résumé Title
firstname: Firstname
lastname: Lastname
photo: images/picture.png
mobile: '+1 (234) 567 890'
  city: City
  country: Country
  protect-mobile: true
  protect-email: true

put here your *CV* data

Currently Pandoc-MordernCV supports the following metadata:

key type value
lang string en
title string Résumé Title
firstname string Firstname
lastname string Lastname
photo url path/to/photo.png
qrcode url images/qrcode.png
contact url
homepage url
email email
mobile string '+1 (234) 567 890'
phone string '+2 (345) 678 901'
fax string '+3 (456) 789 012'
footer markdown custom markdown text
address map
city string City
country string Country
settings map
protect-email boolean true/false (default: false)
protect-mobile boolean true/false (default: false)
protect-phone boolean true/false (default: false)
protect-fax boolean true/false (default: false)
protect-address boolean true/false (default: false)
display-lastupdate boolean true/false (default: false)

Private & Public CV

It is often handy to hide/show specific informations in your CV depending on where it is published/sent. Pandoc-ModernCV supports public and private cv:

  • when public:
    • protected metadata are removed.
    • cv/ is displayed just after the header and before the CV body.
  • when private:
    • protected metadata are displayed.
    • cv/ is displayed just after the header and before the CV body.

Protecting Metadata

Currently Pandoc-ModernCV can protect the following metadata:

  • email
  • mobile
  • phone
  • fax
  • address

Metadata can be (un)protected independently as follow:

  protect-mobile: true # this protect *mobile*
  protect-email: false # this unprotect *email*

Building Private/Public CV

To build a public CV just do:

$ make html public-cv=true
$ make pdf public-cv=true

To build a private CV just do:

$ make html private-cv=true
$ make pdf private-cv=true


Currently pandoc-moderncv supports a two themes: classic and alternative.

You can chose a theme by setting the THEME varible. For instance:

$ make html THEME=alternative

Colors, Fonts, Icons

All themes can be customized through variables defined in stylesheets/_settings.scss.