
Primary LanguageScala

Playground: Akka Streams + Kafka

This sample project is a playground to experiment with connecting Akka Streams to Kafka using Reactive Kafka.


A running Kafka on localhost:9092 with a topic called test created.

Follow the Kafka Quickstart to get Kafka to run on your machine and topic created.

A single broker is sufficient for this project, i.e. no need to start multiple broker cluster.

How to run

Ensure the following is running on a separate terminal:

$ bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic test

This will display the message you are entering via STDIN after it's been routed through Kafka.

Simple STDIN stream to Kafka

$ sbt "run-main test.Simple"

STDIN to Kafka via Actor

$ sbt "run-main test.ViaActor"

The test.ViaActor has test.actor.KafkaPublish actor encapsulates a single stream to Kafka. This provides the following additional functionality:

  • Allows reconnecting to Kafka should there be failure.
  • Caches the message to be published until connectivity to Kafka is established.