👋 Hi there

I'm Francisco.

I build tools, products, pipelines, and automations that make life easier for ML & AI teams.

My day I am the MLOps lead at knecon.com, while building out the portfolio at nichemat.es w/ my 3 co-founders.

Previously, I worked as a ML Engineer at Positive Thinking Company (tech consulting) & worked myself up from Intern -> Jr. Data Scientist -> Data Scientist -> ML Engineer at Exactag (AdTech).

🤖 Tech

My hometurf, to no-one's surprise, is Python + SQL. I'm very familiar with both and am most comfortable on the backend.

To build out MLOps pipelines / systems I had to delve deeper into DevOps (K8s, CI/CD, ...) & work with cloud technologies (mostly Azure & AWS, but also some GCP).

I had the chance to work on a few web applications w/ JavaScript (Next.JS). Most of the work on the backend, with the occasional commit to the front-end.

And most recently, I am working a lot with generative AI (mostly OpenAI's models)

For a detailed summary of all my projects, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter/X or LinkedIn (linked below).

🎓 Academia

I hold a B.Sc. in Econ & Business from the Goethe Uni in Frankfurt (GER) and spent some time in a Data Science Master programme (while wroking full-time) which is still waiting for my thesis.

I'm a self-starter and like to forge my own path. Sometimes with courses that I take whenever I see the need, or just the good old YouTube University.

This hands-on approach works best for me, as theoretical/traditional approaches never really phased me.

☕️🌲 Leisure

Apart from coding & learning to become an entrepreneur, I love specialty coffee (Ethiopian & Costa Rica 👌🏼) and being outdoors. I run, I hike, I climb.

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