
Evaluate EfficientAT models on the Holistic Evaluation of Audio Representations Benchmark.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Low-complexity Audio Embedding Extractors

This repository aims to provide low-complexity general-purpose audio embedding extractors (GPAEE). The corresponding paper Low-complexity Audio Embedding Extractors is accepted to Eusipco 2023. The models used as low-complexity GPAEE are pre-trained on AudioSet using Knowledge Distillation from Transformers. The pre-training is described in detail in the paper Efficient Large-Scale Audio Tagging Via Transformer-To-CNN Knowledge Distillation presented in ICASSP 2023. The pre-trained models are available in the repository EfficientAT.

GPAEEs have to process the high-dimensional raw audio signals only once, while shallow downstream classifiers can solve different audio tasks based on the extracted low-dimensional embeddings. This procedure can save lots of compute when multiple tasks need to be solved in parallel based on an audio input stream.

However, extracting high-quality audio embeddings is usually accomplished using complex transformers or large CNNs, for example, PaSST [1,2] and PANNs [3]. In this work, we investigate two research questions:

  • How can well-performing general-purpose audio representations be obtained from a CNN?
  • How is the model complexity related to the quality of extracted embeddings?

We show that low-complexity CNNs can extract high-quality audio embeddings, paving the way for applying GPAEEs on edge devices. As shown in the Figure below, a concrete application would be a low-complexity GPAEE running on a mobile phone and producing audio embeddings for the continuous audio stream received by the mobile phone. Based on the embeddings, comparably cheap MLP classifiers can solve a variety of different tasks, e.g. identifying the speaker, recognizing the music genre and identifying the acoustic scene.


Main Results

We evaluate the quality of extracted embeddings for all models on the HEAR benchmark, described in detail in this paper [4]. In short, HEAR comprises 19 tasks with short and long time spans, covering different audio domains such as speech, music and environmental sounds. The range of tasks is extremely broad, ranging from detecting the location of a gunshot to discriminating normal vs. queen-less beehives to classifying emotion in speech. In the first step, the GPAEE to be evaluated must generate the embeddings for all sound clips in all tasks. In the second step, a shallow MLP is trained for each task based on the generated embeddings. The performance of the MLPs on the downstream tasks corresponds to the quality of extracted embeddings.

We normalize each task score by the max score achieved by a model in the official HEAR challenge. To express the benchmark result as a single number, we average the normalized scores across all tasks.

In the paper (table below), we show that a combination of mid- and low-level features work best as general-purpose audio embeddings extracted from a CNN. Mid-level features are extracted from intermediate convolutional layers by using global channel pooling. Low-level features are generated by computing the average value of a Mel band across all time frames. Concatenating low- and mid-level features combines low-level pitch information with an abstract feature representation.

Model Comparison

We scale our pre-trained models by network width (number of channels) to receive GPAEEs of varying complexity. The plot below shows that our proposed models have an excellent performance-complexity trade-off compared to well-performing challenge submissions. For instance, our smallest model with 120k parameters extracts embeddings of quality comparable to PaSST [1,2] and outperforming PANNs [3] (both around 80M parameters).

Model Comparison

We also categorize the HEAR tasks into Speech, Music and General sounds and compare the distribution of normalized scores for each category between the models (see figure below). The plot below shows that overall mn30 and mn10 perform favorably against all other single models submitted to the challenge, while the tiny mn01 is still very competitive. Our models push the max challenge score to a new level on multiple tasks including Beijing Opera Percussion, Mridingham Tonic, Mridingham Stroke, GTZAN Genre, Vocal Imitations and ESC-50.

Category Analysis

Project Structure

  • hear_mn is an installable python package
  • hear_mn/models contains the MobileNetV3 architecture our experiments are based on; passing the argument pretrained_name loads the model pretrained on AudioSet
  • hear_mn/hear_wrapper.py wraps the loaded MobileNet in a HEAR compatible format and implements get_scene_embeddings and get_timestamp_embeddings
  • hear_mn/mn<config>.py implements the HEAR API functions load_model, get_scene_embeddings and get_timestamp_embeddings; it sets the configurations and uses hear_wrapper.py

Inference Setup

The setup has been tested using python 3.8. Create and activate a conda environment:

conda create --name hear python=3.8
conda activate hear

Install the package contained in this repository:

pip install -e 'git+https://github.com/fschmid56/EfficientAT_HEAR@0.0.2#egg=hear_mn' 

Install the exact torch, torchvision and torchaudio versions we tested our setup with (on a CUDA 11.1 system):

pip install torch==1.11.0+cu102 torchvision==0.12.0+cu102 torchaudio==0.11.0+cu102 --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu102

Obtain Embeddings

All models follow the HEAR interface and implement the following 3 methods:

  • load_model()
  • get_scene_embeddings(audio, model)
  • get_timestamp_embeddings(audio, model)

These can for instance be used as follows:

import torch
from hear_mn import mn01_all_b_mel_avgs

seconds = 20
sampling_rate = 32000
audio = torch.ones((1, sampling_rate * seconds))
wrapper = mn01_all_b_mel_avgs.load_model().cuda()

embed, time_stamps = mn01_all_b_mel_avgs.get_timestamp_embeddings(audio, wrapper)
embed = mn01_all_b_mel_avgs.get_scene_embeddings(audio, wrapper)

HEAR Setup


Install HEAR validator:

pip install hearvalidator

Install HEAR evaluation kit:

pip3 install heareval

Task setup

To download the data and setup the tasks follow the official HEAR guideline.

Validate setup and model

To check whether a model is correctly wrapped in the interface for the HEAR challenge, run the following to test e.g. the module mn01_all_b_mel_avgs:

hear-validator hear_mn.mn01_all_b_mel_avgs

Generate embeddings for all tasks

python3 -m heareval.embeddings.runner hear_mn.mn01_all_b_mel_avgs  --tasks-dir <path to tasks>

Run evaluation procedure

To train the shallow MLP classifier on the embeddings, run the following:

python3 -m heareval.predictions.runner embeddings/hear_mn.mn01_all_b_mel_avgs/*


[1] Khaled Koutini, Jan Schlüter, Hamid Eghbal-zadeh, and Gerhard Widmer, “Efficient Training of Audio Transformers with Patchout,” in Interspeech, 2022.

[2] Koutini, K., Masoudian, S., Schmid, F., Eghbal-zadeh, H., Schlüter, J., & Widmer, G. (2022). Learning General Audio Representations with Large-Scale Training of Patchout Audio Transformers. arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.13956.

[3] Qiuqiang Kong, Yin Cao, Turab Iqbal, Yuxuan Wang, Wenwu Wang, and Mark D. Plumbley, “Panns: Large-scale pretrained audio neural networks for audio pattern recognition,” IEEE ACM Trans. Audio Speech Lang. Process., 2020.

[4] J. Turian, J. Shier, H. R. Khan, B. Raj, B. W. Schuller, C. J. Steinmetz, C. Malloy, G. Tzanetakis, G. Velarde, K. McNally, M. Henry, N. Pinto, C. Noufi, C. Clough, D. Herremans, E. Fonseca, J. H. Engel, J. Salamon, P. Esling, P. Manocha, S. Watanabe, Z. Jin, and Y. Bisk, “HEAR: holistic evaluation of audio representations,” in NeurIPS 2021 Competitions and Demonstrations Track. PMLR, 2021.