
Primary LanguageElixirOtherNOASSERTION


ExchemaCoercion can receive some input and coerce to a specific type.

iex> ExchemaCoercion.coerce("2018-01-01", Exchema.Types.Date)

defmodule MyStruct do
  import Exchema.Notation
  structure [
    foo: Exchema.Types.Integer,
    bar: Exchema.Types.Date

iex> ExchemaCoercion.coerce(%{"foo" => 1, "bar" => "2018-01-01"}, MyStruct)
  foo: 1,
  bar: ~D[2018-01-01]

iex> ExchemaCoercion.coerce(["1", 2, 3.0], {Exchema.Types.List, Exchema.Types.Integer})


If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding exchema_coercion to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:exchema_coercion, "~> 0.1.0"}

Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/exchema_coercion.